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The Masked Avenger's user avatar
The Masked Avenger
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
1 vote

What is the most ``diverse'' $k$-subset of $[0, 1]^m$?

1 vote

Covering a finite subset of $\mathbb{N}$ with prime arithmetic progressions

1 vote

Solving $Ax=e_k$ for standard basis vector $e_k$, sparse $A$

1 vote

Thales' semicircle theorem in higher dimensions

0 votes

Square filling self avoiding walk

0 votes

A prime sequence can be partitioned into two sets of equal or consecutive sum

0 votes

All Integers from the Smallest Digit Stream with a Window Filter

0 votes

Shortest supersequence of all permutations of $n$ elements

0 votes

Maximum value of the binomial coefficient as a polynomial

0 votes

Lower bound for Euler's totient for almost all integers

0 votes

A problem in the domino shuffling algorithm

0 votes

Submitting a companion paper with detailed proofs ?

0 votes

An easy-to-state elusive combinatorial problem

0 votes

Relatively free algebras in a variety generated by a single algebra

0 votes

Graphs with dangling edges

0 votes

Finding the maximum of a multivariate polynomial of degree one

0 votes

A combinatorial problem - counting the solutions

-1 votes

Upper bound for number of prime numbers in a range

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