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Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
Misha Verbitsky
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

The Chern connection on a Hermitian symmetric domain

6 votes

Comparing fundamental groups of a complex orbifolds and their resolutions.

6 votes

Question about Hodge number

6 votes

$SU(2)$ and the three sphere

6 votes

Spaces of symplectic embeddings: Bundle? Smoothness?

6 votes

Dual of a Complex 2-Torus

6 votes

Are the Kahler Identities for a Holomorphic Vector Bundle Actually Interesting?

6 votes

Cohomology of neighborhood of $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1$ in $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n$

5 votes

Smooth rank one foliations with closed leaves

5 votes

Analogue of Grauert's upper semi-continuity for Bott–Chern cohomology

5 votes

Condition for infinite dimensional complex manifold to be Kähler by pullback form

5 votes

“Logarithmic” form of Kodaira Embedding

5 votes

When Atiyah class and Chern class coincide?

5 votes

What are meromorphic line bundles?

5 votes

Hyperkähler structure of framed instantons over $\smash{\overline{\mathbb{C}P}}^2$

5 votes

automorphism group of K3 surfaces

5 votes

Non-compact Kähler manifolds which admit a positive line bundle

5 votes

Polynomial contact structures on $RP^3$

5 votes

Is it always possible to extend a closed (1, 1)-form on a divisor to a closed (1, 1)-form on a tubular neighbourhood?

5 votes

morphism between projective spaces

5 votes

Structure of Kähler cone

5 votes

Extending vector bundles from subvarieties

5 votes

Different notions of convergence of complex subvarieties

4 votes

Flat manifolds and irreducible representations

4 votes

Non Kähler blow-up of a Kähler manifold

4 votes

Relation between kahler potential and Hermitian metric

4 votes

Hodge isometry sending the Kahler class to its opposite

4 votes

Example of Non-Conformally Flat Einstein Manifold?

4 votes

threefolds with $h^{2, 0}=1$

4 votes

what is large compex structure limit of CY moduli space