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Ruadhaí Dervan's user avatar
Ruadhaí Dervan's user avatar
Ruadhaí Dervan
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
14 votes

Algebraic Geometry - Definition of a Morphism

14 votes

motivation for multiplier ideal sheaves

9 votes

Are there examples of Fano manifolds such that Tian's alpha invariant satisfies $\alpha_G(X)=\frac{n}{n+1}$ but without a Kähler-Einstein metric?

6 votes

Is there an extremal metric on toric Fano manifolds which have nonzero Futaki invariant?

6 votes

Existence of constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics on projective manifolds

6 votes

Fano manifold admit an smooth anti-canonical divisor?

5 votes

when constant scalar curvature implies Einstein?

5 votes

Kähler-Einstein metrics on singular varieties

4 votes

Geometric interpretation for fourth coeficient of the polynomial for Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem

4 votes

Let $X$ be a projective variety and let $Pic(X) \cong \mathbb Z$, then $(X, −K_X) $ is $K$-semistable

3 votes

Hilbert point and Hilbert stability

3 votes

Reference for notation $H^0(C, mK)$

3 votes

General topology terminology questions

2 votes

Tensoring by Line Bundles to Produce Holomorphic Sections

2 votes

Chow stability and K-stability

2 votes

Computing the coefficients of the polynomial $\dim H^0(X,L^k)$ in non-smooth case

2 votes

$\partial \overline{\partial}$-lemma for Irreducible, Normal Projective Varieties

1 vote

Kähler metric of constant scalar curvature with positive bisectional curvature is Kähler-Einstein

1 vote

How can we define constant scalar curvature Kahler or cscK on pair $(X,D)$

1 vote

Flow of a Hamiltonian vector field

1 vote

Kaehler form on weighted projective space