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Lennart Meier's user avatar
Lennart Meier
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
15 votes

Can anyone give me a good example of two interestingly different ordinary cohomology theories?

14 votes

Modern source for spectra (including ring spectra)

14 votes

Does $\mathfrak{N}_4$ contain at least four distinct elements?

13 votes

Small ideas that became big

13 votes

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

13 votes

generalized universal coefficient sequence

13 votes

Weighted projective spaces as stacks

12 votes

Growth of stable homotopy groups of spheres

12 votes

Problems where we can't make a canonical choice, solved by looking at all choices at once

12 votes

Historical transition from classical homotopy to modern homotopy theory

12 votes

Rational homotopy invariance of algebraic $K$-theory

12 votes

Conceptual proof of classification of surfaces?

11 votes

Adams e-invariant

10 votes

What's an example of 2 elliptic curves with the same ground ring s.t. their associated cohomology theories detect different things?

10 votes

What are some examples of narrowly missed discoveries in the history of mathematics?

10 votes

Extremely messy proofs

10 votes

Proof that the homotopy category of a stable $\infty$-category is triangulated

9 votes

What is the topology on hom-sets of spectra?

9 votes

Mayer-Vietoris implies Excision

9 votes

Homology is computable because it is stable under suspension

9 votes

(Homotopy theory) When does the 2 of 3 property not imply 2 of 6?

9 votes

What recent programmes to alter highly-entrenched mathematical terminology have succeeded, and under what conditions do they tend to succeed or fail?

9 votes

Most intriguing mathematical epigraphs

9 votes

Second homotopy group of the mod 2 Moore spectrum

8 votes

relation between sheaf of hom and hom of sheaf

8 votes

Homotopy groups other than $\pi_1$ : what are they good for?

8 votes

Is there a good way to understand the free loop space of a sphere?

8 votes

Colimits of cofibrations and homotopy colimits

8 votes

Good introductory references on moduli (stacks), for arithmetic objects

8 votes

Algebraic topology beyond the basics: any texts bridging the gap?