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Questions about abstract measure and Lebesgue integral theory. Also concerns such properties as measurability of maps and sets.

3 votes
0 answers

What axioms are needed to show that the range of a finitely additive diffuse measure on $\ma...

The other day I learned of a small error in the book Theory of Charges: A Study of Finitely Additive Measures. Example 11.4.1 goes as follows. Let $\mu_0$ be a finitely additive probability measure de …
8 votes
2 answers

Is there a measure theory for proper classes?

This question is naive, but I didn't get an answer at MSE: Is it straightforward to extend measure theory to proper classes? Of course when one tries to define measures on "large sets" problems of non …
3 votes
3 answers

Example of a (strictly) proper scoring rule on a general measurable space?

Most of the literature on scoring rules that I know of deals with discrete measurable spaces, but in this paper by Gneiting and Raferty a very general definition of a scoring rule is given. I don't se …
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a maximal translation-invariant extension of Lebesgue measure?

(Cross posted at MSE.) The answer to this question shows that there are translation-invariant extensions of Lebesgue measure. Are there maximal translation-invariant extensions of Lebesgue measure (i …
2 votes
1 answer

Does set of finitely additive probability measures embed linearly into a strictly convex dua...

I am trying to better understand a condition that appears in Theorem 1 of this paper. Let $K$ be a convex and compact subset of a locally convex tvs. The condition is: $K$ embeds linearly into a stri …
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a standard way of defining the integral of an extended real function with respect t...

Let $X$ be a set, and let $\mu$ be a finitely additive probability measure defined on $2^X$. Let $\Phi$ be the set of functions from $X$ to $\mathbb R \cup \{-\infty, \infty\}$. Is there a standard w …
0 votes
1 answer

Does the finitely additive integral preserve convergence for non-negative measurable functions?

Let $(X, \mathcal X)$ be a measurable space. Say that a net $(\mu_\alpha)$ of finitely additive probability measures converges to a finitely additive probability measure $\mu$ if and only if $\mu_\alp …
5 votes
2 answers

Properties of measures that are not countably additive but have countably additive null ideals

This is a very naive question, maybe more of a reference request than anything else. Let $(X, \mathcal X)$ be a measurable space. If $m$ is a real-valued function on $\mathcal X$, we say that $m$ has …
1 vote
0 answers

Does a total preorder on lotteries that preserves countable mixtures preserve arbitrary mixt...

Let $X$ be a countable set. A lottery on $X$ is a function $\lambda: X \to [0,1]$ such that $\sum_x \lambda(x) = 1$. Let $\Delta X$ be the set of lotteries on $X$. A total preorder $\preceq$ on $\Del …
3 votes
1 answer

A question about finitely additive integration

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathbb P)$ be a probability space ($\mathbb P$ is countably additive). Let $\{p_\omega: \omega \in \Omega\}$ be a family of (countably additive) probability measures on $(\O …
3 votes
1 answer

Is the inner/outer measure mapping continuous?

Let $\mathcal F$ be a field of subsets of a set $\Omega$. Equip the space $[0,1]^\mathcal F$ of functions from $\mathcal F$ into $[0,1]$ with the product topology. Then, the set $\Delta$ of finitely a …
2 votes
0 answers

Measurable extensions of probability measures

Let $X$ be a set, and let $\mathcal G \subset \mathcal F$ be $\sigma$-fields over $X$. Let $\Delta_\mathcal G$ (resp. $\Delta_\mathcal F$) be the set of probability measures on $\mathcal G$ (resp. $\m …
14 votes
1 answer

On the existence of a family of countably additive extensions of Lebesgue measure

Let $m$ be Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb R$, and let $m_i$ and $m_o$ be the inner and outer measures respectively. Is it the case that for all $A \subset \mathbb R$ and all $x \in [m_i(A), m_o(A)] …
3 votes
1 answer

If the finitely additive measure of an open set is approximable by clopen sets, is it approx...

Let $F$ be a finite set equipped the discrete topology. Let $X = F \times F \times ...$ be the countably infinite product space equipped with the product topology. Let $\mathcal A$ be any field of sub …
3 votes
2 answers

Questions about some properties of random probabilities and random expectations

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb P)$ be a probability space with $\mathcal{A}$ countably generated, and let $P: \mathcal{A} \times \Omega \to [0,1]$ be a random probability measure. By that I mean $ …

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