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A branch of geometry dealing with convex sets and functions. Polytopes, convex bodies, discrete geometry, linear programming, antimatroids, ...

12 votes

Is Minkowski sum of boundary convex again?

Yes, $\partial C + \partial C$ is convex since it equals $2C$. Equivalently, every point in $z \in C$ is a midpoint of two boundary points. This is obvious if $z \in \partial C$. Otherwise, let $f :S^ …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
11 votes

Is every polytope combinatorially equivalent to the intersection of a simplex and a linear s...

The answer is yes. The fact that any polytope is affinely equivalent to a section of a simplex is well-known (see the answer by Tobias Fritz). Now in any simplex with vertices $(v_i)$ we may conside …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
9 votes

volume of the unit ball of the Banach space $\ell_1^n\otimes_{\epsilon}\ell_1^n$?

Here is an argument that is certainly overkill and introduces a logarithmic factor which is probably unnecessary. Let $K$ be the unit ball in $\ell_1^n \otimes_\epsilon \ell_1^n$ and $K^\circ$ the po …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
7 votes

Are there centrally-symmetric self-dual polytopes in dimension $d> 4$?

There are centrally symmetric self-dual polytopes in every dimension. This follows from Proposition 3.9 in Reisner, S., Certain Banach spaces associated with graphs and CL-spaces with 1- unconditional …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
5 votes

Tensor Product of Convex Sets?

This is well-documented in the case where $C_1$, $C_2$ are unit balls for some norm, and in that case your $C_1 \otimes C_2$ is the unit ball for the so-called projective norm. The set you compare to …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
4 votes

Expected value of Tukey’s half-space depth for log-concave measures

This question has been considered in detail, and essentially solved, in the recent preprint Half-space depth of log-concave probability measures, where the authors show the bound $c_\mathbb{P} \leq c^ …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
3 votes

What are the measure of the volume and boundary (and other quermaß measures) of the positive...

This question has been investigated in Życzkowski, Karol; Sommers, Hans-Jürgen, Hilbert-Schmidt volume of the set of mixed quantum states, J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 36, No. 39, 10115-10130 (2003). ZBL105 …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
2 votes

Expected value of Tukey’s half-space depth for log-concave measures

Let me prove the weaker bound $c_n \leq c^{\sqrt{n}}$. Since the problem is affine-invariant, we may assume that $\mathbb{P}$ is isotropic, i.e. has mean zero and covariance matrix equal to identity. …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
2 votes

Distribution of the support function of convex bodies: beyond mean width

This fails already in dimension $2$ for very unbalanced convex bodies. Given $\alpha > 0$, consider the ellipse $K_\alpha$ obtained as the image of the unit disk by the area-preserving transformation …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
2 votes

On special points within convex solids with all planar sections passing through them having ...

The answer is yes, for a $3$-dimensional convex body this is a 1915 theorem by Funk. See for example the introduction to this paper : The follow …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
1 vote

Volume ratio of polytopes with few vertices

The cube has a bounded outer volume ratio (which you denote $v_r^\circ$) while the cross-polytope (=$\ell_1$ ball, or octahedron) has an outer volume ratio of order $\sqrt{n}$. Actually the cross-poly …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
0 votes

Does approximate equality of quantum states imply operator inequality in a large subspace?

Edit : the following argument does not answer the question and actually appears already in the OP's linked note. Let $H = 1_{[0,\infty)}$. Let $\Pi$ be the projector defined by functional calculus as …
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar