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Model theory is the branch of mathematical logic which deals with the connection between a formal language and its interpretations, or models.

46 votes
8 answers

What are some proofs of Godel's Theorem which are *essentially different* from the original ...

I am looking for examples of proofs of Godel's (First) Incompleteness Theorem which are essentially different from (Rosser's improvement of) Godel's original proof. This is partly inspired by question …
34 votes
2 answers

Ur-elemental surprises

For most of my (mathematical) life, I believed that there was really no essential difference between set theory without urelements and set theory with urelements. However, while that may be true in ce …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
26 votes
0 answers

Where do uncountable models collapse to?

Suppose $T$ is a complete first-order theory (in an finite, or at worst countable, language). Given any model $\mathcal{M}\models T$ of cardinality $\kappa$, we can ask whether $\mathcal{M}$ can be ma …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
26 votes

Are there first-order statements that second order PA proves that first order PA does not?

It depends what you mean by "second-order $\mathsf{PA}$." If you really mean full second-order $\mathsf{PA}$, then since that theory characterizes $\mathbb{N}$ up to isomorphism it's complete, and con …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Detecting uncountable cardinals in $(\mathbb{R};+,\times,\mathbb{N})$

For a structure $\mathcal{X}=(X;...)$, say that a cardinal $\kappa$ is $\mathcal{X}$-detectable iff there is some sentence $\varphi$ in the language of $\mathcal{X}$ together with a fresh unary predic …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
21 votes
0 answers

"Compactness for computability" - does it ever happen?

Throughout, "computable structure" means "first-order structure in a computable language with domain $\omega$ whose atomic diagram is computable." Say that a computable structure $A$ is compact for co …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Does sine interact equationally with addition alone?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Eq{Eq}\DeclareMathOperator\Th{Th}$Originally asked at MSE without success: For a structure $\mathcal{A}$ whose signature only contains function and constant symbols, let $\Eq(\ma …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
19 votes
0 answers

What algebraic properties are preserved by $\mathbb{N}\leadsto\beta\mathbb{N}$?

Given a binary operation $\star$ on $\mathbb{N}$, we can naturally extend $\star$ to a semicontinuous operation $\widehat{\star}$ on the set $\beta\mathbb{N}$ of ultrafilters on $\mathbb{N}$ as follow …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
19 votes

Why can we assume a ctm of ZFC exists in forcing

Expositionally, forcing is (usually) easier to understand with a c.t.m. This does indeed lead to somewhat different results, such as $(*)\quad$ If there is a countable transitive model of $\mathsf{ZF …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
19 votes

Is every recursively axiomatizable and consistent theory interpretable in the true arithmeti...

The answer is yes. I believe the following is best attributed to Feferman 1960; more generally, look up "arithmetized completeness theorem" (which is annoyingly different from the arithmetic completen …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

A topological version of the Lowenheim-Skolem number

This is a continuation of an MSE question which received a partial answer (see below). Given a topological space $\mathcal{X}$, let $C(\mathcal{X})$ be the ring of real-valued continuous functions on …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
18 votes

A Löwenheim–Skolem–Tarski-like property

Here's a counterexample for $\kappa=\aleph_1$: let $B$ be the structure with underlying set $\mathbb{N}\sqcup\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N})$, equipped with the usual ordering on $\mathbb{N}$ as well as the $ …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
17 votes
0 answers

Non-rigid ultrapowers in $\mathsf{ZFC}$?

Originally asked and bountied at MSE: Question: Can $\mathsf{ZFC}$ prove that for every countably infinite structure $\mathcal{A}$ in a countable language there is an ultrafilter $\mathcal{U}$ on $\o …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

How hard is it to say "not exactly $p$" with a Horn sentence?

EDIT: immediately after bountying the question (whoops ...) I found, while looking for something else entirely, that Sauro Tulipani gave an explicit algorithm for producing a Horn sentence $\varphi_p$ …
Noah Schweber's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

When does Vopěnka's principle hold?

Vopěnka's principle (VP) is the statement that, given any proper class $\{\mathcal{A}_\eta: \eta\in ON\}$ of first-order structures in the same language, there are some $\alpha\not=\beta$ with $\mathc …
Noah Schweber's user avatar

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