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Descriptive Set Theory is the study of definable subsets of Polish spaces, where definable is taken to mean from the Borel or projective hierarchies. Other topics include infinite games and determinacy, definable equivalence relations and Borel reductions between them, Polish groups, and effective descriptive set theory.

7 votes

Subset of the reals with zero inner measure and "full" outer measure in $\mathsf{ZF}+\mathsf...

I'll start as in Monroe Eskew's answer: Assume $X$ isn't measurable and get Borel sets $A,B$, with $A\subseteq X\subseteq B$, such that the measure of $A$ (resp. $B$) is the inner (resp. outer) measur …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
9 votes

Follow up question: Shelah's "Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away?"

Gabe Goldberg has already given a couple of proofs, but here's another one, just because I like it. Being a model of ZFC, $L[x]$ sees a one-to-one map of its $\omega_1$ into its reals. That map, in t …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
7 votes

"Compactness length" of Baire space

Baire space is the union of $\mathfrak d$ (the dominating number) compact subsets. So, using equivalence relations that collapse those sets one at a time (i.e., one equivalence class is the set to be …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
14 votes

Do Borel subsets of the plane with null sections have Borel projections?

Notice that $\omega^\omega$ can be embedded to a null subset of itself by sending any sequence $(a_0,a_1,a_2,\dots)$ to $(a_0,0,a_1,0,a_2,0,\dots)$. So any Borel phenomenon that can happen in $\omega^ …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
9 votes

Measurably-isomorphic subsets of polish spaces and the continuum hypothesis

Every Borel subset (and in fact every analytic subset) of a Polish space either is countable or has a perfect subset. In particular, an uncountable Borel subset in a Polish space has the cardinality …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
6 votes

How badly does compactness fail in $\mathcal{L}_{\omega_1\omega}$?

This is really a comment, but (a) it's too long and (b) is ought to be attached to both of the answers. Not only does the characterization of the $\kappa$-compactness property not depend on the availa …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
12 votes

What is the descriptive complexity of a set added by Cohen forcing?

Since Cohen forcing is weakly homogeneous, all hereditarily ordinal definable sets in the Cohen extension are already in the ground model. That applies in particular to any ordinal definable real, an …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
12 votes

Ordinal-definable witnesses to the perfect set property?

Let $A$ be the set of those reals that are not OD. Then $A$ is OD (since I've just defined it), and it's uncountable (since its complement, being a well-orderable set of reals, must be countable unde …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
7 votes

Iteration of random reals

Since $x$ is random over $V$, the fact that $C_x^{V[x]}$ is null is (like any fact about $x$ in $V[x]$) forced by some condition in $V$. This condition is the equivalence class, modulo the null ideal …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
21 votes

Two strengthenings of "strong measure zero"

Strategically strong measure zero is equivalent to countable. To prove the nontrivial direction, suppose $X$ is strategically strong measure zero and $s$ is a winning strategy for player II. Consider …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
3 votes

Illfounded trees as "retract" of all trees

Suppose, toward a contradiction, that $R$ is a function of the sort you asked about. Then, for any tree $T$, we have the equivalence "$T$ has an infinite path $\iff$ every infinite path through $R(T) …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
4 votes

Limits of determinacy on reals

The statement that every subset of $\mathbb R^\omega$ is determined is called $AD_{\mathbb R}$, and it's consistent relative to large cardinals. I don't remember exactly how large, but I vaguely reca …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
17 votes

Does there exist an uncountable separable metric space $X$ such that every subset of $X$ is ...

Under Martin's Axiom plus the negation of CH, every set $X$ of reals of size $<\mathfrak c$ is a Q-set, which means that every subset of $X$ is an $F_\sigma$-set with respect to the subspace topology …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
31 votes

About the axiom of choice, the fundamental theorem of algebra, and real numbers

The fundamental theorem of algebra is, unless I miscounted quantifiers, a $\Pi^1_2$ sentence of second-order arithmetic and therefore absolute between the full universe and Gödel's constructible unive …
Andreas Blass's user avatar
14 votes

Indeterminacy of long games

Your statement of AD is incorrect. $X$ should be at most $\omega$ (and at least 2), not an arbitrary set. Specifically, for $X=\aleph_1$, determinacy of games in $X^\omega$ is inconsistent with ZF. …
Andreas Blass's user avatar

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