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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

10 votes
0 answers

Symmetric function of residues

Let $X$ be a smooth projective irreducible curve over an algebraically closed field $k$, and let $\omega$ be a rational 1-form on $X$, so $\sum_x {\rm{res}}_x(\omega) = 0$ (sum over $x \in X(k)$). For …
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0 votes

Which polynomials define extensions of $k(t)$ unramified at the finite places

Presumably you know that $f$ is separable over $k(t)$ or else you wouldn't pose the question. Scale $x$ by $k(t)^{\times}$ so that $f$ becomes $x$-monic in $k[x,t]$ with $df/dx \ne 0$. Now the irreduc …
13 votes

GIT over integers

The answer to the first question is affirmative if we assume the generic fiber is normal. First, some general setup (so it is well-posed to speak of "compatibility with any base change" below). Let …
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5 votes

Is this formally étale morphism of schemes an isomorphism?

[I originally gave what I thought to be a counterexample in the affine case, but I realized it violates universal schematic dominance, so below I give a non-qc counterexample that was originally a com …
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4 votes

Specialization Map of family of abelian varieties

This is addressing the final question at the end of the edited version of the posted question, which finally gets to the heart of the matter (and without which the earlier parts of the question don't …
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16 votes

Picard of the product of two curves

It seems likely that you are assuming the curves are smooth and geometrically connected (e.g., you don't have in mind generalized Jacobians for singular curves), but you have omitted hypotheses on the …
4 votes

kernel of isogeny becomes constant after base change

Do you really mean to consider an abelian scheme over the entire ring of integers, and not just a localization thereof? Either way, every finite flat group scheme $G$ over a domain $R$ with fraction …
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5 votes

The cardinality of first non-abelian Galois cohomology

Since the fppf cohomology group ${\rm{H}}^1(F, \alpha_p) = F/F^p$ is visibly uncountable (where $p = {\rm{char}}(F) > 0$), perhaps you meant to assume $G$ is smooth (and then fppf cohomology coincides …
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1 vote

Compact elements in $G(K)$ for a reductive group $G$ over a nonarchimedean local field $K$

It should be that $G(K)^0$ is the group of $g \in G(K)$ such that $|\chi(g)| = 1$ for all $K$-rational characters $\chi:G \rightarrow {\rm{GL}}_1$. Once this is shown, it follows that $G(K)/G(K)^0$ …
6 votes

"Unramified" extension of DVRs and permanence of excellence

No. Let $R'$ be any non-excellent dvr whatsoever, hence of equicharacteristic $p > 0$, and let $t \in R'$ be a uniformizer. Let $R = \mathbf{F}_p[t]_{(t)}$. The local inclusion $R \hookrightarrow R'$ …
6 votes

Why is the Tate local duality pairing compatible with the Cartier duality pairing?

To avoid notational confusion between translation in the derived category (of abelian fppf sheaves on the category of lfp $S$-schemes) and torsion in abelian schemes, I'll denote the $n$-torsion in $A …
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5 votes

Openness of finite index subgroups of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\prod O_v)$

In view of Laurent's answer, one may ask more generally for a criterion on a connected reductive $K$-group $G$ to ensure that for all compact open subgroups $U$ of $G(\mathbf{A}_K^S)$ (for a finite se …
7 votes

On a proposition in Hartshorne's paper "Ample vector bundles on curves"

The assertion (X) is false in any characteristic $p > 0$ for any $Y$ with genus at least 2. (It is true and easy for $Y$ of genus 1, and true and easy and uninteresting for $Y$ of genus 0.) To see …
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6 votes

question about the induced homomorphism of etale fundamental groups

(This was meant to be a comment elaborating on Dan Petersen's answer, but got too long.) The error is that you cooked up an isomorphism between $F_x \circ f^{\ast}$ and $F_x$ and by means of that simp …
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4 votes

Minimal fields of isomorphism for varieties

This question is most "reasonable" when $V$ is projective, since at least then the automorphism functor is represented by a (locally finite type) $K$-scheme $G_V := {\rm{Aut}}_{V/K}$ and so one can tr …
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