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Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis.

10 votes

Connected complement manifold

Claim: The complement $U=\mathbb C^h\setminus \{F=0\}$ is path-connected and thus connected. Proof: Given $a,b\in U$ consider the affine complex line $L_{a,b}=L$ joining $a$ to $b$. The polynomial $ …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
19 votes
0 answers

Can one properly embed a differential manifold into numerical space of double dimension? [duplicate]

If $X$ is a $ C^\infty$ differential manifold of dimension $n$, then there exists an embedding $f:X\to \mathbb R^{2n+1}$. This is a not too difficult theorem due to Whitney, proved in many textbooks. …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
7 votes

Complex geometry text/research introduction for the analyst

1) There is a great book From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds by Fritzsche-Grauert. It is very geometric and gives you the fundamentals on complex manifolds, including specialized topics, f …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
26 votes

Are Banach Manifolds intrinsically interesting?

In his remarkable thesis Douady proved that, given a compact complex analytic space $X$, the set $H(X)$ of analytic subspaces of $X$ has itself a natural structure of analytic space . If $X=\mathbb P …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
-1 votes

Line bundles with complex connection

I interpret your line bundle $L$ to be differentiable rather than holomorphic, else the statement that line bundles are parametrized by their Chern class would be completely false. There always e …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
7 votes

Biholomorphism between neighborhood of a complex submanifold and a neighborhood of zero sect...

The answer is "no" because in general there does not even exist a neighbourhood $U$ of your submanifold that holomorphically retracts to the submanifold. In fact Finnur Lárusson has proved the followi …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
5 votes

Density of holomorphic sections

Dear Benjamin, the statement that holomorphic sections are dense in the smooth sections is false, already for the trivial bundle of rank one $E_1=X\times \mathbb C$ over $X=\mathbb C$. Indeed on any …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
13 votes

Motivating the de Rham theorem

Dear Timothy, here is a theorem which, according to your wish, "could be understood, and seen to be interesting, by someone who had not already studied the material in that course": Brouwer's celebrat …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
9 votes

Motivating the de Rham theorem

An interesting application of De Rham's theorem is to show that certain differential manifolds are not diffeomorphic. Here are two examples. 1) For $n$ even the sphere $S^n$ and real projective spac …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
8 votes

In Diff, are the surjective submersions precisely the local-section-admitting maps?

Dear David: yes! In one direction this is just the functoriality of tangent maps. Let $f:X\to Y$ be the morphism, $x$ a point in $X$ with image $y\in Y$ and $g:V\to X$ a local section. From $f \circ …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
6 votes

Why did the word "exterior" get chosen for the idea of "exterior derivative"?

I) The term exterior multiplication ("äussere Multiplication") is due to Grassmann, who introduced the term in his book (written in 1844) Die Wissenschaft der extensiven Grösse oder die Ausdehnungsl …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
8 votes

Important results that use infinite-dimensional manifolds?

Douady introduced Banach analytic manifolds in order to solve a conjecture of Grothendieck's on the existence of a moduli space for compact analytic subspaces of a given fixed analytic space. These Ba …
12 votes

Most important domains, extension theorems, and functions in several complex variables

Here are a few points to guide you into the beautiful subject you had the good taste to choose. 1) Hartogs extension phenomenon :given two concentric balls in $ \mathbb C^n$, any holomorphic funct …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
64 votes

Kahler differentials and Ordinary Differentials

Let $M$ be a differentiable manifold, $A=C^\infty (M)$ its ring of global differentiable functions and $\Omega^1 (M)$ the A-module of global differential forms of class $C^\infty$. The A-module of …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
35 votes

Universal definition of tangent spaces (for schemes and manifolds)

Consider the real line $\mathbb R$ and $C^1_0$ , the ring of germs of continuously differentiable functions at zero. Now take the ideal $M$ of germs vanishing at zero. The Zariski cotangent space $M/M …
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar