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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

1 vote

Analytic vs Zariski neighbourhood of a fibre

I don't think the modified question works either. Let $E$ be a general elliptic curve. Take $X$ to be the quotient of $E\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$ by an involution which is a translation by a point of or …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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7 votes

Higgs fields whose determinant have only simple zeros

The statement is easily checked to be true for very stable bundles, so when you look for a counter example you will need to look for a wobbly (i.e. stable but not very stable) bundle. Suppose that $ …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
2 votes

Looking for a good exposition - Rees Construction

There are many excellent references. It really depends on what you are after. One of the most comprehensive references is the thesis of Olivier Penacchio:
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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8 votes

Can Enriques Surfaces have non-trivial TWISTED Fourier-Mukai partners?

There is a natural pair $(X,\alpha)$ that you can construct. Only in this pair $X$ is not a smooth projective variety but is a smooth orbifold surface. If you choose a genus one pencil $Y \to \mathbb{ …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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16 votes

Is $\pi_2$ algebraic?

A slightly better variant of this question is to ask: is the Hurewitz image of $\pi_{2}(X)$ in $H_{2}(X)$ a sub Hodge structure? This is in fact an old question of Philippe Eyssidieux. In section 4.3 …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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20 votes

On a question motivating Lurie's treatment of formal moduli problems

Yes, this has been achieved in some sense. There is a (unpublished and possibly not yet written) work of Gaitsgory and Lurie where they propose an answer to this question. Given a split reductive grou …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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20 votes

Branch loci of Ramified covers

The branch locus in $Y$ need not be a normal crossings divisor even when $Y$ is a projective space. Suppose $X$ is a smooth complex projective surface with non-abelian fundamental group. By Noether no …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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2 votes

A question on the topological change of dualizing a SLAG fibration.

I am not completely sure what is meant by this statement since the topology of the torus fibration certainly changes if the fibration doesn't have a section. If on the other hand we follow your prescr …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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8 votes

Hitchin fibration outside of type A

Here is a very brief explanation of what is going on. You can find more details in the papers that Ana lists and in as you say. If $G$ is a reductive group, the Hitchin ba …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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16 votes

Quasi-unipotent monodromy for general families

Quasi-unipotency is a well defined notion at any point of the discriminant. If we have a proper family $f : X \to S$ of varieties with a smooth total space and a smooth base, and if $p \in D \subset S …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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11 votes

Examples of Eigensheaves outside of langlands

I am not sure if you will count this but you have the examples from the other side of geometric Langlands. On any smooth variety the skyscraper sheaves of points are eigensheaves for the tensorization …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
3 votes

Genus two pencil in K3 surface

You will get such a pencil of genus two curves provided that the base point of the pencil of lines is not one of the nine points that you blew up to get your $E(1)$. But if the goal was to construct …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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5 votes

Question on K3 Surface

Do you want your K3 to be smooth? In that case the answer is no. For the double cover to have a trivial canonical class you will have to chose a branch divisor which is a section in half of the anti-c …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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4 votes

Computing chern classes for products of varieties

It appears that you are assuming that your varieties $C_{i}$ are smooth (you seem to assume that since you are talking about the tangent bundle). In this case each $C_{i}$ is an elliptic curve (I gues …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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8 votes

How to compute $\mathcal{Ext}^{i}_{X}(\mathcal{O}_{Y_{1}},\mathcal{O}_{Y_{2}})$?

If $c$ is the codimension of $Z$ in $Y_{2}$, then $$\mathcal{E}xt^{i}_{X}(\mathcal{O}_{Y_{1}},\mathcal{O}_{Y_{2}}) = \wedge^{c} N_{Z/Y_{2}}\otimes \wedge^{i -c} \left( N_{Z/X}/N_{Z/Y_{2}}\right).$$ …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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