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A three-manifold is a space that locally looks like Euclidean three-dimensional space

15 votes

Can the SL_2 character variety of a three-manifold be nonreduced?

There is actually an old (ca 1986) example of nonreduced $SL(2, {\mathbb C})$-representation scheme of a 3-manifold group. Take an oriented Seifert manifold $M$ which fibers over the $S^2(3,3,3)$ orbi …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
11 votes

The fundamental group of a $3$-manifold with a boundary of genus $>0$

The long exact sequence of the pair $(M, \partial M)$ combined with Poincare duality immediately imply that the natural map $$ i_*: H_1(\partial M)\to H_1(M) $$ cannot be an isomorphism, unless $H_1 …
Misha's user avatar
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11 votes

Engulfing Kleinian groups?

First of all, fundamental groups of compact hyperbolizable 3-manifolds (with or without boundary) are LERF, this is one corollary of the work by Agol, Haglund and Wise. The LERF property is unaffecte …
Misha's user avatar
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10 votes

Why does not a closed 3-manifold modelled on SL(2,R) admit a metric of nonpositive curvature?

If you read our paper a bit further, you will find that on page 348 we mention that this result is due to Eberlein and give a reference to his 1982 paper. More precisely, he proves a more general theo …
Misha's user avatar
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8 votes

When are isometry groups of hyperbolic 3-manifolds finite?

Here is the detailed answer. First, you have to assume that your hyperbolic manifold is complete and has finitely generated fundamental group, otherwise you will get no answer except for the tautologi …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
6 votes

isotopy classes of embeddings of the torus

As stated, your question is rather hopeless. Consider the 3-sphere, which also happens to admit the Hopf fibration over the 2-sphere. Then classifying 2-tori in the 3-sphere is essentially equivalent …
Misha's user avatar
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6 votes

Does a small-area sphere in a 3-manifold bound a small ball?

This is a direct corollary of Federer -Flemming deformation Lemma saying that vary small area sphere can be homotoped to 1-skeleton of the fixed triangulation of the manifold. The dimension assumption …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
4 votes

construct Seifert fibration on mapping torus of surface with monodromy a periodic mapping class

Just use the suspension flow of the periodic diffeomorphism $f: S\to S$ in the periodic mapping class. Then all flow lines will be periodic (i.e., circles) and you are done; the base will be the quoti …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
4 votes

Rank of a group generated by side-pairing isometries of a polyhedron

I assume that you want $P$ to be a fundamental domain for $G$. Then the answer is positive, see: I. Kapovich, R. Weidmann, Kleinian groups and the rank problem. Geom. Topol. 9 (2005), 375-402.
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
4 votes

Best known Margulis constants?

For Question 2: In addition to Kellerhals' lower bounds on $\epsilon(n)$, there is an absolute constant $C>0$ such that $$ \epsilon(n)\le \frac{C}{\sqrt{n}}, $$ see Proposition 5.2 in Belolipetsky, Mi …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
3 votes

geometrically infinite ends of hyperbolic 3 manifolds

You seem to be asking two different questions: The first question appears to be: "Given a family of closed geodesics ${\mathcal F}$ which exits an end $E$, is it true that there are members of ${\ma …
Misha's user avatar
  • 31.2k
3 votes

Commutativity in the Fundamental Group and Knot Theory

Since every homotopy class of loops is represented by infinitely many knots, the only way I can interpret the question is: Is there a characterization of commuting pairs of elements $\alpha, \beta$ o …
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