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Algebraic number fields, Algebraic integers, Arithmetic Geometry, Elliptic Curves, Function fields, Local fields, Arithmetic groups, Automorphic forms, zeta functions, $L$-functions, Quadratic forms, Quaternion algebras, Homogenous forms, Class groups, Units, Galois theory, Group cohomology, Étale cohomology, Motives, Class field theory, Iwasawa theory, Modular curves, Shimura varieties, Jacobian varieties, Moduli spaces

16 votes

Positive primes represented by indefinite binary quadratic form

Class field theory promises such a polynomial (more properly, such a number field $H$, since a polynomial generating $H$ might have to err on the first few primes, though in our case it turns out ther …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
15 votes

Special units in the $11$th cyclotomic field

Yes. Indeed $$ (1 + \zeta + \zeta^{10}) \, (\zeta + \zeta^4 + \zeta^7 + \zeta^{10}) = 1 $$ with $\sum_i a_i = 3$ and $\sum_i b_i = 4$; now change each $a_i$ to $a_i+3$ and each $b_i$ to $b_i+3$. ( …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
6 votes

Special units in the $11$th cyclotomic field

If I did this right there are a total of $1045 = 55 \cdot 19$ solutions, obtained from the following $19$ basic solutions by changing $a_i,b_i$ to $a_{ri+s\bmod 11}$ and $b_{ri+s \bmod 10}$ for all $s …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
12 votes

How small can a totally positive integer be?

$\alpha_n$ can be exponentially small once $M$ is large enough, say $M \geq 6$. For $m > 0$ let $\tau_m$ be the (monic, degree-$m$) polynomial such that $\tau_m(z+z^{-1}) = z^m + z^{-m}$; in other wo …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
6 votes

Field of minimum discriminant of a given degree

That's already false for $n=4$, when the field of smallest $|D|$ has dihedral Galois group, and indeed of the ten smallest $|D|$ only two come from fields with Galois group $S_4$. [Explicitly, $f(4) …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
2 votes

Linear independence of algebraic integers of equal norm

A cubic counterexample: Let $K$ be the first totally real cubic field ${\bf Q}[x] / (x^3+x^2-2x-1)$ (the roots are $2 \cos (2m\pi/7)$ for $m=1,2,3$); and let $a=13$, the first totally split prime in …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
5 votes

Linear independence of algebraic integers of equal norm

We adapt an idea from a now-deleted answer by Kenny Lau to construct examples for any $n>2$ with the $\alpha_j$ all contained in 2-dimensional space. Let $a$ be prime, and choose distinct integers $x …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
8 votes

Fundamental units of imaginary quartic fields

There's certainly some uniform bound, as a special case of the theorem that for each $n$ and $M$ there are only finitely many algebraic integers $\epsilon$ of degree $n$ each of whose conjugates has a …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
11 votes

The existence of infinitely many supersingular primes for every elliptic curve over Q

It's the auxiliary prime $l$ that must be $3 \bmod 4$; the supersingular prime $p$ is not guaranteed to be congruent to $3 \bmod 4$, and indeed the residue of $p \bmod 4$ is unpredictable (unless the …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
13 votes

Numbers integrally represented by a ternary cubic form

Your conjectures are correct. So was the "someone else at MSRI [who] muttered something about norm forms" (mentioned in earlier edits of the question), except for the part about laughing at you. As …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
5 votes

The missing Euler Idoneal numbers

The reference Weinberger, P. J.: Exponents of the class groups of complex quadratic fields, Acta Arith. 22 (1973), 117–124. was what Matthias Schütt and I cited for the fact that "there is at most …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
18 votes

A family of polynomials with symmetric galois group

[Edited mostly to incorporate references etc. from Michael Zieve] The polynomial $(x^n-1)/(x-1) - y$ has Galois group $S_{n-1}$ over ${\bf C}(y)$ for each $n$, as expected. This answers one of the t …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
11 votes

Can elliptic integral singular values generate cubic polynomials with integer coefficients?

The flurry of comments did not yet produce an answer to the question concerning the complete elliptic integrals $$ I_1 := \frac12 \int\limits_0^\infty\dfrac{dt}{\sqrt{t(t+1)(t+\frac{8+3\sqrt{7}}{16})} …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
9 votes

Square-free grows as $6n/\pi^2$: $k$-th free?

Yes, it works in much the same way for any $k$. Here's an elementary proof. Let $Q_k(n)$ be the number of $k$-th power free integers $\leq n$. Then $$ Q_k(n) = \sum_{d^k \leq n} \mu(d) \lfloor n/d^k …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar
7 votes

The existence of elliptic curves with prescribed supersingular primes

No. In fact the set can be arbitrarily sparse, i.e. the $n$-th prime in the set can be chosen to exceed $a_n$ for any sequence $\{a_n\}$. This is because the rationals are countable. Fix an enumerat …
Noam D. Elkies's user avatar

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