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Complex analysis, holomorphic functions, automorphic group actions and forms, pseudoconvexity, complex geometry, analytic spaces, analytic sheaves.

23 votes

What is the "complex third derivative"?

The reason the complex Hessian (actually, it ought to be called the 'Hermitian Hessian', since it defines an Hermitian form at every point, but 'the complex Hessian' is entrenched in the literature) i …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
14 votes

generalisation of Cauchy-Riemann equations to 3D

Actually, the correct notion of maps preserving harmonicity is that of 'harmonic morphisms': A map $f:(M,g)\to (N,h)$ between Riemannian manifolds is a harmonic morphism if it pulls back $h$-harmonic …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
13 votes

Can the unit complex 1-dimensional disc be embedded isometrically into complex euclidean spa...

The answer is 'no', there is no holomorphic curve in $\mathbb{C}^n$ (for any $n$) such that the induced metric has constant negative curvature. To my knowledge, this was first proved by E. Calabi man …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
12 votes

Effective vanishing of the Schwarzian Derivative

Here is a revised and somewhat expanded version of my answer, with a preparatory 'toy version' to help orient the reader. A simple warmup problem: Before discussing a quantitative variant of the Sch …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
12 votes

Analog of residue for meromorphic quadratic differentials

Let me point out a somewhat different answer. Rbega explicitly mentions $$ Q = \left(\frac1{z^3} + \frac1{z^2}\right)\ (dz)^2 $$ as an example of the sort of meromorphic quadratic differential that i …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
10 votes

A question on certain elliptic PDE

1.If $U$ satisfies LAP then there exists a $V$ such that $(U,V)$ satisfies CR. In fact, $V$ is unique up to the addition of a term of the form $a + bx + cy + d xy$, where $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$ are c …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
10 votes

Dimension of the full automorphism

It is not a finite dimensional Lie group. For example, all of the maps $$ \Phi\bigl(z,[a,b]\bigr) = \bigl(z, [a+p(z)b,\ b]\bigr), $$ where $p:\mathbb{C}^\ast\to \mathbb{C}$ is holomorphic, belong to …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
10 votes

n-times iterated Cauchy-Riemann operator

You can prove by induction that, if $f$ satisfies your equation, then there exist holomorphic functions $f_0,\ldots,f_{n-1}$ on the domain of $f$ such that $$ f = f_0(z) + f_1(z)\ \bar z + \cdots + f_ …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
8 votes

Is a certain composition of harmonic forms again harmonic?

By your last sentence, this is clearly not true in general. Let $X$ be a $K3$ surface and let $\omega$ be a Kähler form on $X$ whose associated metric is Ricci flat. Let $H$ denote the space of th …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
7 votes

An estimate on deviation of two smooth tangent $J$-holomorphic curves

Yes, this is true. In fact, a more precise statement holds: Unless $f$ vanishes identically on $\mathbb{D}$, there is an integer $n$ and a nonzero complex number $a$ such that $f(z) = a\,z^n + f_{n+ …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
7 votes

Conformal map from a 7-sided polyhedron to a square pyramid

No such conformal map exists. Conformal mapping in dimensions above 2 is very different from conformal mapping in dimension 2. In dimensions above 2, any conformal mapping is a (finite) composition …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
6 votes

Variant of the Riemann Mapping Theorem for $Conf(\mathbb H^2)$?

A cultural remark to begin: The comments asking for clarification of your question may have sounded a bit rough, but please understand that they weren't meant personally. In the culture of mathematic …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
6 votes

Nontrivial extension of the action of complex hyperbolic group $H$ on $\mathbb{C}$

The group $H$ acts transitively and primitively on $\mathbb{C}=\mathbb{R}^2$. ('Primitive' means that $H$ preserves no nontrivial foliation.) It's a consequence of the classification of transitive pr …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
5 votes

Holomorphic image of a strip in complex plane

I assume that you are assuming $\sigma > 3\delta$, otherwise, the problem doesn't make sense. Can't you just apply the Argument Principle? Fix a $z_0\in S_{\sigma-3\delta}$ and an $R>>0$ so big th …
Robert Bryant's user avatar
5 votes

Conditions on a unit vector field to be the Gauss map of some surface immersed in R^3?

As Alexandre Eremenko points out, there's no PDE that $n$ would have to satisfy, at least for local solvability, which is believable when you think of it in heuristic terms: There are $3$ unknowns in …
Robert Bryant's user avatar

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