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Banach spaces, function spaces, real functions, integral transforms, theory of distributions, measure theory.

1 vote

Question on complemented subspaces of a product space

Yes. Let $P$ be a (continuous linear) projection from $X_1 \times X_2$ (equipped with the sum-norm, say) onto $Y_1 \times Y_2$. For $x_1\in X_1$ consider $P(x_1,0)$, which can be written in the form $ …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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5 votes

On a property for normed spaces

The separable spaces that do not have your property for bounded $(x_n)$ (namely, there is a sequence in the unit sphere satisfying your limit condition) are characterised in the paper ``Thickness of t …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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2 votes

"Compactness in measure" in function spaces

Probably the authors refer to the space $L_0(\mu)$ of all (equivalence classes) of measurable functions. This is a complete metric space in the metric I have mentioned in a comment above or, which is …
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
2 votes

Finding weak LUR property of $C[0,1]$ with an equivalent norm

Your norm, call it $N$ for \TeX-nical simplicity, is not WLUR. You want to know whether $N(f)=1$, $N(f_n)\to1$, $N(f+f_n)\to 2$ imply that $f_n\to f$ weakly. For a counterexample let $f$ be the const …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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3 votes

A bimonotone basis for $\mathcal{C}[0,1]$?

The space $C[0,1]$ has the Daugavet property; in particular, for a finite-rank projection $\|I-P\|=1+\|P\|$, which equals $2$ if $\|P\|=1$.
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9 votes

Nonseparable counterexamples in analysis

The norm of (even a continuous convex function on) a separable Banach space is Gâteaux differentiable on a dense $G_\delta$-set (Mazur), but the canonical norm on the nonseparable Banach space $\ell_1 …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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6 votes

When is a linear subspace to be closed in all compatible topologies

Only the subspaces mentioned by the OP are obviously closed. Let $V$ be a real vector space and $W\subset V$ a proper infinite-dimensional linear subspace. We shall endow $V$ with a norm so that $W$ w …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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1 vote

2-summing vs Hilbert-Schmidt norm for extended operator between Hilbert and Banach space

The question can be reformulates as follows. If $H$ is a Hilbert space, $X$ ($=B^∗$) is a Banach space, $T:H\to X$ is an operator, $i:X\to H$ is a continuous injection, can one estimate the $2$-summin …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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12 votes

$C[0,1]$ is not a Grothendieck space

Consider $\delta_{1/n}-\delta_0$; this defines a weak$^*$ null sequences which is not weakly null; e.g., $\langle \delta_{1/n}-\delta_0, \chi_{\{0\}} \rangle \not\to 0$. So if $\Omega$ contains a nont …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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3 votes

Weak sequential compactness on the space of compact operators

The key here is the isometric embedding of $K(E,F)$ into the space of continuous functions on the compact space $M=B_{E^{**}}\times B_{F^*}$. Suppose that $A$ is WOT$^*$ sequentially compact; $A$ is b …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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5 votes

A question on Grothendieck space

I find the following criterion useful: A sequence $(x_n)$ is Cauchy iff for all subsequences $(x_{n_{k+1}}-x_{n_k})$ tends to $0$. This works for the norm topology, the weak topology and the weak$^*$ …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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1 vote

On examples of subspaces of $C(X)$ for which state spaces are Choquet Simplices

On page 148 of Convexity Theory and its Applications in Functional Analysis, L. Asimow and A.J. Ellis say that every Dirichlet algebra (an algebra where the real parts of its elements are dense in the …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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8 votes

Containment of $c_0$ in projective tensor products

The answer is no. Bourgain and Pisier have given a counterexample (A construction of $\mathcal{L}_\infty$-spaces and related Banach spaces. Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 14, No. 2, 109-123 (1983). See Zbl 0586 …
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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5 votes

type and cotype of spaces of continuous functions

It is known that $C(K)$, for infinite $K$, contains a copy of $c_0$, hence it does not have nontrivial type (meaning $>1$) or nontrivial cotype (meaning $<\infty$).
Dirk Werner's user avatar
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3 votes

Duality mapping of Banach space of continuous functions

Let's suppose that $\|f\|=1$. Let $P$ denote the set of probability measures supported on the compact set $A$. Then $J(f)$ consists of all measures of the form $h\,d\mu$, $\mu\in P$, where, for all $x …
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