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A Banach space is a complete normed vector space: A vector space equipped with a norm such that every Cauchy sequence converges.

3 votes

Eigenvectors of the dual of positive irreducible operators

No, the dual operator $T'$ does not have a positive eigenvector, in general. As a counterexample, consider the space $E = c_0(\mathbb{Z})$ if scalar-valued sequences indexed over the integers, endowed …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
10 votes

Does closedness of the image of unit sphere imply the closed range of the operator

The answer is no in general (but it's not difficult to check that the answer is yes for injective operators). Counterexample. Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $T_0: H \to H$ a bounded linear operator wi …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
13 votes

interiors of positive cones in ordered Banach spaces

I'll use the notion "ordered Banach space" to denote a Banach space $E$ that is ordered by a closed (and convex) cone $E_+$. Generally speaken, having non-empty interior is not a common property of co …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
4 votes

When a quasinilpotent is nilpotent?

I quasi-nilpotent operator $T \in B(X)$ is nilpotent if and only if $0$ is a pole of its resolvent $(\cdot - T)^{-1}$, which means that there exists a number $M \ge 0$ and an integer $n \ge 1$ such th …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
5 votes

An example of non-invertible operator $F$ such that $P_nF$ is invertible on $\operatorname{I...

(In the following I assume that the word "invertible" in the question means "bijective".) Your assumptions do not imply that $F$ is bijective (however, they imply that $F$ is injective and has closed …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
2 votes

On dense embedding of Banach spaces

After Nik Weaver answered the question and Bill Johnson pointed out in a comment that what one needs is actually a part of the usual proof of the open mapping theorem, I thought about it once again, a …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
1 vote

Squeezing more convergence from the convergence in all $L^p$ spaces

I think it might be worthwhile to mention a few observations in addition to the other answers: For a sequence $(f_n)$ that satisfies $|f_n| \le 1$ for all $n$, convergence in $L^p$ for all $p \in [1,\ …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
3 votes

Are sequences in $\ell^1(\mathbb N_0)$ converging uniformly on convex weakly compact subsets...

The answer is yes. Proof. Assume to the contrary that a sequence $(x_n)$ in $\ell^1$ converges, say to $0$, uniformly on convex weakly compact subsets of $c_0$, but is not norm convergent and hence no …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
4 votes

Commutation of linear maps and extreme points

The answer to the question is yes. Proof. Let $y$ be an extreme point of $T[S]$. Then $$ F :=T^{-1}(\{y\}) \cap S $$ is non-empty, compact and a face of $S$. By the Krein-Milman theorem, $F$ has an …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
6 votes

Regarding an element being self adjoint

The golden rule for conjectures in operator theory: Every ad-hoc conjecture is most likely false for $2 \times 2$-matrices. :-) So here's a $2 \times 2$-counterexample for the question: Let $A = \math …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
3 votes

holomorphy in infinite dimensions (holomorphic families of operators)

In addition to the information given by user bathalf15320, I think that a bit more information on the Banach space case could be useful: Here is a very general theorem about vector valued functions: T …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
4 votes

Dual fixed point

Part 1 of the answer. In terms of $T$, the property you are looking for is characterized by the mean ergodic theorem: Theorem. Let $E$ be a Banach space and let $T$ be a bounded linear operator on $E …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
5 votes

Is the set of weak*-continuous operators closed in the weak*-operator topology?

The answer is "no", in general. An easy counterexample can be found as follows: Let $X = \mathbb{F}$ and let $Y$ be a non-reflexive Banach space. Then $\mathcal{B}(Y^*,X^*)$ is simply the bi-dual $Y^ …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
8 votes

An extremal property of points on the unit sphere of a 2-dimensional Banach space

The answer is no, in general. For a counterexample, consider the $\ell^p$-norm on $\mathbb{R}^2$ with $p=4$, and let $x = e_1 = (1,0)$. We first note that the vectors $e_2 = (0,1)$ and $-e_2$ do not …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
24 votes

Non-differentiable Lipschitz functions

In addition to Anthony Quas' answer, it might be worthwhile to mention the following general observations. A Banach space $X$ is said to have the Radon-Nikodym property if every Lipschitz mapping $f: …
Jochen Glueck's user avatar

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