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Is every field the residue field of a discretely valued field of characteristic 0?

Let $k$ be a field of positive characteristic $p$. Is there necessarily a discrete valuation ring of characteristic $0$ with maximal ideal $(p)$ and residue field isomorphic to $k$?
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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Rank 1 valuations that are not discrete on finite transcendental extensions of the rationals

Suppose $K=\mathbb{Q}(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ is a purely transcendental extension of the rationals on finitely many indeterminates. Can anyone give an example of a rank $1$ valuation on $K$ that fails to be ...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
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Given a non-field local domain $R$, finding a dominating Valuation ring whose residue field is algebraic/finite extension of the residue field of $R$

Let $(R, \mathfrak m)$ be a non-field local domain with fraction field $Q(R)$ . Let $k_{R}:=R/m$. We know that there is a Valuation ring $(V,\mathfrak m_V)$ such that $R \subseteq V \subsetneq Q(R)$ ...
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Luroth's theorem for Discrete valuation rings?

Luroth's theorem states that if $k$ is a field and $L$ is a field extension of $k$ such that $k \subset L \subseteq k(X)$, then $L=k(f(X))$ for some $f(X) \in k(X) $ . My question is ; is there any ...
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Completions of $K(x)$

Let $K$ be a field. Are there books or articles discussing completions of $K(x)$ with respect to the metric induced by the $p$-adic valuation $|\;\;|_p$ where $p\in k[x]$ is irreducible and different ...
Chilote's user avatar
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Finite extensions of residue fields of Henselian DVRs

Let $K$ be an Henselian discrete valuation field such that its completion is separable over $K$. Let $F$ be its infinite residue field. Is it true that a finite extension of $F$ is a simple extension ...
Jana's user avatar
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Pseudo-cauchy sequence and valuation

Let $k$ be a field and $x$ is transcendental over $k$. Can we construct a pseudo-cauchy sequence $(a_{i})$ convergent to $x$ with each $a_{i}$ is algebraic over $k$ and $k(a_{i})\subseteq k(a_{i + 1})$...
Rajnish's user avatar
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Henselization of valued field

What is the importance of henselization in valuation theory, when the rank of valuation is bigger than one? Thanks
Rajnish's user avatar
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Extending commuting endomorphims of a complete discrete valued field to the algebraic closure?

Is it true that any two commuting endomorphisms of a complete discrete valued field extend to commuting automorphisms of the algebraic closure?
Artem Chernikov's user avatar
8 votes
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When is a valued field second-countable?

Let $R$ be a valuation ring, with fraction field $K$ and residue field $k$. Denote by $\Gamma=K^{\times}/R^{\times}$ the valuation group (assumed nontrivial). The valuation $v:K^{\times}\to\Gamma$ ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar
11 votes
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Valuations and separable extensions

Let $R$ be a valuation ring containing a field $k$, with residue field $F$ and quotient field $K$. Assume $F/k$ is separable. Is $K/k$ separable? I have convinced myself that (for a positive answer) ...
Laurent Moret-Bailly's user avatar