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Does the tropical semiring admit a universal property?

Each of the rings $\mathbf{Q}$, $\mathbf{Z}_p$, $\mathbf{Q}_p$, $\mathbf{R}$ admits a universal construction: the rationals are the field of fractions of the integers: $\mathbf{Q}:=\mathrm{Frac}(\...
Emily's user avatar
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Tropical lie algebra

In this article are we mean that Lie semialgebras over semirings with a negation map is tropical version of Lie algebra?. And what we do when we define lifting? ...
user135447's user avatar
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Does a nontrivial notion of integral under logarithmic deformations of $\mathbb{R}_+$ exist?

Background The upper and lower Maslov dequantizations are respectively the limits $h \downarrow 0$ and $h \uparrow 0$ of deformations of the semifield $(\mathbb{R}_+,+,\cdot)$ defined for $0 \ne h \...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Factorization of tropical polynomials

I am referring to the definition of a tropical polynomial given on page 8 (top of section 3) here in this review, I understand that here a tropical polynomial ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Max-Plus algebra and hyperplane arrangements

Given an expression in the Max-Plus algebra is it possible to recognize if it represents a continuous piecewise linear (CPWL) function whose polyhedral complex is a hyperplane arrangement? Or ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Can MacLane's notion of universality inform $\mathbb{F}_1$?

MacLane (1939) calls a field $F$ universal if every other field $F'$ of the same cardinality and characteristic as $F$ is a subfield of $F$. He then exhibits an example, viz. a field of generalized ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Does tropicalization commute with composition?

Say we have two polynomials $$ f = \sum d_n x^n, \quad g = \sum_n b_n x^n $$ that tropicalize to $$ F = \max(d_n + nx), \quad G = \max(b_n + nx). $$ Can we say $f\circ g$ tropicalizes to $F\circ G$? ...
Gutiérrez's user avatar
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Tropical algebraic structures

What is the difference between tropical lie semialgebra and lie semialgebra with anegation map? and How can I build another algebraic structure in tropical algebra?
Mehremah's user avatar
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Algorithms for "Ideals" in polynomial algebras over the max-plus semi-ring

I'm a beginner in tropical geometry, and I'm running into the following question: In the usual polynomial ring over a field, one has algorithms (i.e. using a Groebner basis) for determining whether ...
Drew's user avatar
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Proving equivalence of tropical polynomials

I am new to the world of tropical mathematics. I am wondering if there is an algorithm to prove the equivalence of two tropical polynomials (in the plus-min semiring let's say), say over multivaribles?...
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