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40 votes
5 answers

How should one approach tropical mathematics?

Let me preface this by saying that my background is pretty meagre (i.e. solid undergrad). However, a few months ago I came across Litvinov - The Maslov dequantization, idempotent and tropical ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there any "fundamental" distinction between min-plus, max-plus, min-product, and max-product algebras?

In the paper Faster Algorithms for Max-Product Message Passing by McAuley and Caetano (see e.g. here or here), several statements are made which seem mathematically questionable to me. For ...
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2 votes
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Can we have "tropical polynomials" with arbitrary real powers?

I am referring to the definition of a tropical polynomial given on page 8 (top of section 3) here in this review, I understand that here the notion of a ...
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