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Does every compact abelian group contain a Kronecker set generating a dense subgroup?

Let $G$ be a compact metrizable abelian group with infinite exponent. Let $S^1 = \left\{z \in \mathbb{C} : |z| = 1 \right\}$. A set $K \subset G$ is a Kronecker set if, for every continuous function $...
Ethan Ackelsberg's user avatar
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Characterization of Vilenkin group

It is shown in [1, Section 1] by C.W. Onneweer that every infinite compact, metrizable, zero-dimensional commutative group is a Vilenkin group. My question is does this implication also hold if we ...
John's user avatar
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About the nilpotency of a subgroup

Let $G$ be a compact group. Let $\mathcal N$ be a family of closed normal subgroups of nilpotency class at most $k$. Assume that $\mathcal N$ is closed under finite intersections and $\bigcap_{N\in\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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A generalization of the character group

Let $G$ be a group. We define $$\tilde{G}=\{\phi:G \to \mathbb{T}\mid \phi(gh){\phi(g)}^{-1}{\phi(h)}^{-1}\in Tor(\mathbb{T})\}$$ where $Tor(\mathbb{T})$ is the group of torsion elements of the unit ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Generalized conjugacy classes in (topological) groups

Let $G$ be a topological group. We define an equivalence relation on $G$ as follows: For $a,b\in G$ we set $a\sim b$ if the following two maps are topologically conjugate: $$x\mapsto ax,\qquad x\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Idempotent conjecture and non-abelian solenoid

Is there a discrete non-abelian group whose dual in a reasonable sense is isomorphic to the solenoid constructed via a sequence of quaternions $S^3$ instead of a sequence of circles? The motivation ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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How a profinite group can be obtained from its normal open subgroups?

Let $\Delta$ be a set, each element of which is a profinite group (2 distinct elements of $\Delta$ may be isomorphic). Under what conditions on $\Delta$, there exists a profinite group $G$ which has $\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Idempotent conjecture and (weak) connectivity of (a reasonable) dual group

What is an example of a torsion free discrete abelian group $G$ whose dual space $\hat{G}$ is not a path connected space? The Motivation: The motivation comes from the idempotent conjecture of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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How large this subset is to say that it should equal the group?

Let $\alpha$ be a continuous automorphism on a compact group $G$ with normalized Haar measure $m$. We may say $\alpha$ is $n$-splitting, if the set $$\text{Spl}_n(\alpha):=\left\{g\in G: \prod_{k=1}^...
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