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Regarding a proof in the surgery theorem by Gromov and Lawson

I have a question regarding a proof in the article The classification of simply connected manifolds of positive scalar curvature written by Gromov and Lawson. The precise reference is: Gromov, ...
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Is spin cobordism an invariant for surgery of codimension $q\ge3$?

Recall that a surgery of codimension $q$ on an $n$-manifold $X$ is a modification of $X$ of the following type. Let $\Sigma^{n-q}\subset X$ be a smoothly embedded $(n-q)$-sphere with a trivialized ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Expository material on the Gromov-Lawson surgery theorem

I am looking for an expository text on the paper "The classification of simply connected manifolds of positive scalar curvature" by Gromov and Lawson, in particular on the proof of Theorem A....
Luke McEvoy's user avatar
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Surgery and Curvature on Foliation

Let $X$ be an oriented closed smooth $4$-manifold. Suppose that $TM$ admits a foliation $\mathcal F$ of dimension two, and admits a positvescalar curvature. Q: If we do the surgery on $X$ to reduce ...
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