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Questions tagged [sheaf-cohomology]

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Intersections of components of 'simple' ('local") Zariski coverings

I would like to study the ordered Cech cohomology with respect to a Zariski covering of a variety. I can pass to the limit with respect to refinements; the components of the 'limit covering' will be ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Derived Equivalence of Sheaves and Homotopy

This question loosely elaborates on an earlier question. It is pretty silly, but I'd like to hear some authoritative answers. Recall that if $f:S^{\bullet}\to T^{\bullet}$ is a quasi-isomorphism of ...
Justin Curry's user avatar
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7 votes
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Basic properties of Nisnevich cohomology; $l'$-topology?

I would like to know more about Nisnevich cohomology (especially, on its properties that could be easily formulated). In particular, I would like to know which of the following statements are true, ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Do infinitesimal neighbourhoods help to compute the inverse images of coherent sheaves?

Let $i:Z\to X$ be a closed embedding of (projective) varieties; $S$ is a coherent sheaf on $X$. How could one compute $H^*(Z,i^\ast S)$ (I don't know whether I should write $H^\ast (Z,i^{-1}S)$ ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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On inverse images with respect to Zariski-etale topology.

For a variety $X$ I define its Zariski-etale site as follows: the category is the category of etale $X$-schemes, and the coverings are Zariski ones. Note that this topology is more coarse than the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
2 votes
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Non-realizable CR structures?

Hill, Penrose, and Sparling have an example of a non-realizable CR structure, a 5-manifold $M^5$ that comes equipped with a "twisted version" of the Lewy operator for the quadric $Q^2$, $v = \frac{1}{...
Alex Castro's user avatar
4 votes
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orientations on a stratified space

For this question let $k$ be any field of characteristic not equal to $2$ and $X$ a stratified space whose strata are topological manifolds. I'm not sure what the definition of "stratified space" ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Sheaves with isomorphic cohomology, but not quasi-isomorphic

Suppose I have two (constructible) sheaves of vector spaces $F$ and $G$ over the same base space that have isomorphic cohomology (degree by degree), but no sheaf map inducing this isomorphism (i.e. ...
Justin Curry's user avatar
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The behavior of pure sheaves under functor Hom( F, -)

We know that a submodule A of B is pure if and only if the functor $Hom(M, -)$ is exact on the sequence $ 0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0$ for every finitely presented module ...
Gholam's user avatar
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Dualizing complex of the product of two locally compact spaces

Hello! In the setting of locally compact Hausdorff spaces, I would like to understand the relation between the exterior product ${\mathbb D}_X\boxtimes{\mathbb D}_Y$ of the dualizing complexes of two ...
Hanno's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Non-cohomological proof that the pullback of an ample bundle by a finite morphism is ample

It is a standard fact that for any finite morphism of proper Noetherian $A$-schemes ($A$ being Noetherian), the pullback of an ample line bundle is ample. The usual proof of this fact is via Serre's ...
Charles Staats's user avatar
5 votes
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Sheaf Cohomology on Zariski-Riemann Spaces

Can sheaf cohomology on the Zariski-Riemann spaces give some sort of classification for field extensions (even just for function fields)? If not, are there any significant or useful results (e.g. for ...
Jizhan Hong's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

How should a homotopy theorist think about sheaf cohomology?

As a student of homotopy theory or algebraic topology, I have a certain outlook as to how one ought to think of a cohomology theory. There are axioms that help us with rudimentary computations, there ...
Sean Tilson's user avatar
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62 votes
8 answers

Sheaf cohomology and injective resolutions

In defining sheaf cohomology (say in Hartshorne), a common approach seems to be defining the cohomology functors as derived functors. Is there any conceptual reason for injective resolution to come ...
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