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Questions tagged [set-theory]

forcing, large cardinals, descriptive set theory, infinite combinatorics, cardinal characteristics, forcing axioms, ultrapowers, measures, reflection, pcf theory, models of set theory, axioms of set theory, independence, axiom of choice, continuum hypothesis, determinacy, Borel equivalence relations, Boolean-valued models, embeddings, orders, relations, transfinite recursion, set theory as a foundation of mathematics, the philosophy of set theory.

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-3 votes
1 answer

Can stratification be used to internalize functions on models of $\sf Z$?

Suppose $M$ is a model of $\sf Z +\neg AC$ that is externally bijective to an element $k \in M$. Obviously if $j$ denotes such an external bijection, then it cannot be used in Separation within $M$, ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Can we have a hybrid comprehension between Z and NF?

Hybrid Comprehension: if $\phi,\varphi$ are formulas in which $x$ doesn't occur, and $\varphi$ is stratified; then: $$ \forall A \exists x \forall y \, (y \in x \leftrightarrow \varphi \land [wf(A) \...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

All group structures on a set with cardinality $\aleph_0$

Assume we consider the additive group $(\mathbb{Z}, 0, +)$. I am wondering what other group structures are there with neutral element 0 fixed? Is there a way to classify them or find them all?
tobias's user avatar
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1 answer

A general question on nonnegative integer sequence [closed]

Let $A=\{x\ |\ x\in\mathbb Z_{\ge 0},\ x\ $ with some conditions$\ \}$. Let $B=\mathbb Z_{\ge 0}-A$. Define $\ 2A= \{a+b : a \in A,\ b \in A\}$. Define $\ 2B=\{a+b : a \in B,\ b \in B\}$. Then the set ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Dispensing with the notion of infinity for the sake of coverings [closed]

Instead of taking a one to one correspondence meaning each set has the same number of elements. why not use the concept of coverings of topology? The irrational numbers covers the whole numbers but ...
user4904's user avatar
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1 answer

Can this form of reflection be consistent?

Is this form of reflection consistent? First I'll begin by clarifying the notation I'm using here: By a quantifier being relativized or bounded it means that the first occurrence of the quantified ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Order-embeddability of ${\frak b}$ and ${\frak d}$ in $\mathbb{R}$ [duplicate]

The starting point of this question is the observation that in ${\sf (ZFC)}$, all ordinals $\alpha < \omega_1$ can be order-embedded in $\mathbb{R}$. Let $\omega^\omega$ denote the set of all ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the intuitive notion that ZF-Extensionality-Foundation+Collection can be said to capture? [closed]

This question has been moved to I'll try to abbreviate it here: the question asks about the "informal notion" that the fragment of $\text{ZFC}$ that is axiomatized by ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

An axiomatic system with a set of constants that form a complete ordered field [closed]

I am developing a ZFC axiomatic system where together with the empty set, there is a singular (and huge) set of constants that are themselves sets and form a complete ordered field (cof) these ...
Carlos Freites's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Can only the constructible sets be proven to exist in $ZF$ without benefit of extra assumptions? [closed]

I am interested in asking the following question: What sets can be proven to exist in $ZF$ without the benefit of extra assumptions? (Thanks to Toshiyasu Arai for inspiring me to ask this variation ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Is the notion of measurable cardinal definable from the perspective of set-theoretical potentialism?

Consider the definition of measurable cardinal (this definition was found in Neil Barton's paper, "Large cardinals and the iterative conception of set"): Definition 8. A cardinal $\kappa$ ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is Nested Selection equivalent to AC?

Nested Selection: For every infinite set $G$ of pairwise disjoint infinite sets such that any two distinct elements $x,y$ of $G$ either "$y$ is a set of proper supersets of elements of $x$ and ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

To which arithmetic\set theory this theory is bi-interpretable?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ $ \textbf{Axioms:}$ $ \textbf{Order:} \ x < y < z \to x < z $ $ \textbf{...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Can there be such an elementary embedding?

EDIT: it appears that my original question has some confusion between auto-morphisms and elementary embeddings as it is obvious from the answer below, therefore I'll clarify here what I exactly want. ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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0 answers

Which arithmetic\set theory is synonymous with this theory?

$\textbf{Logic:}$ Mono-sorted first order logic with equality. $\textbf{Extralogical Primitives: } <, \in$ Define: $x > y \iff y < x$ Define: $x \leq y \iff x < y \lor x=y$ $ \textbf{...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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0 answers

Can ZFC be interpreted in this infinitary logic theory?

Working in language $\mathcal L_{\Omega^+,\Omega^+}$ where $\Omega$ is the first strongly inaccessible cardinal. If we add a primitive partial $\Omega$-ary function $F$ and a primitive constant $\...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is Bounding Reflection consistent?

Working in the first order language of set theory. Let $\varphi^{*B}$ be the formula obtained from $\varphi$ by merely bounding all open quantifiers in $\varphi$ by the symbol "$B$". Here a ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Kadison-Singer problem

The Kadison-Singer problem is the following statement: for any $\epsilon >0$, there exists $r\in \mathbb N$ such that for any bounded operator $A$ on $\ell^2(\mathbb Z)$, there exists a partition $(...
Bazin's user avatar
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1 answer

Are equinumerous size preserving models of a theory isomorphic?

If by a size preserving model we mean any bijection between any two elements of it is an element of it. Then: is it a thoerem of $\sf ZFC$ that for any theory $T$ any two equinumerous size preserving ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Can we blend ZFC with true arithmetic?

Can we have a consistent theory whose signature is $(=,\in, S, +, \times)$ standing for identity and membership binary relations and the successor total unary function, addition and multiplication ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-5 votes
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Can Cardinality Theory capture ZFC?

Cardinality Theory "CT" is a theory of sets of cardinals and links between them, only sets of cardinals can be assigned cardinalities. The links are unordered edges linking cardinals, they ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Is ZFC set theory a satisfactory foundation for mathematics?

The conventional wisdom seems to be that it is, but there are problematic mismatches. Some are well-known: the use of first-order logic, and the many different implementations of the axioms, neither ...
Frank Quinn's user avatar

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