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Questions tagged [rigid-analytic-geometry]

rigid analytic varieties, affinoid varieties, strictly convergent power series over non-archimedean fields

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Rigid analytic reductions of the projective line

I'm reading the book "Rigid Analytic Geometry and its Applications" by Fresnel-van der Put, and I'm confused by their example 4.8.5. In the first two parts of the example, they define the analytic ...
pw1's user avatar
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$p$-adic uniformisation of abelian varieties

In the paper $p$-adic L-functions and $p$-adic periods of modular forms of Greenberg and Stevens $\S3$ page $420$ they make the following statement: Let $A$ over $\mathbf{Q}_p$ be an abelian variety ...
cannonball's user avatar
4 votes
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Paper of Boutot-Carayol in `Courbes modulaires et courbes de Shimura'

I am trying to obtain a copy of the following J.-F. Boutot and H. Carayol, Uniformisation p-adique des courbes de Shimura: les théorèmes de Čerednik et de Drinfel'd , Astérisque No. 196-197 (1991)...
Stiofán Fordham's user avatar
14 votes
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Vanishing of rigid cohomology for affine varieties

Let $k$ be a perfect field of positive characteristic and denote by $K$ the field of fractions of the ring of Witt vectors over $k$. Question: If $X$ is an affine variety over $k$, do the rigid ...
Niels's user avatar
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What is the precise relationship between primitive Hida families and the connected components of the ordinary locus of the eigencurve?

In the references I've found discussing this question, I have not found any statements that I can understand and that are as precise as I would like. I'm more familiar with Hida families than with the ...
Will Dukeminier's user avatar
2 votes
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The composition of proper morphisms in rigid geometry

many books and lecture notes say that it is difficult to prove that the composite of two proper morphisms of rigid analytic varieties are also proper. That is, if two morphisms of rigid analytic ...
Panna's user avatar
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Iwasawa logarithm and analytic continuation

I am reading Number Theory vol. 1 by Henri Cohen (among other things) and I am curious about the Iwasawa logarithm. Let $\mathbb{C}_p$ be the completion of the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. ...
Joe Bebel's user avatar
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bornological vector spaces over a non-archimedean field

Let $k$ be a complete non-archimedean field. In definitions I have seen of bornological vector spaces over $k$ there are usually some extra assumptions on the non-archimedean field. For instance in '...
Oren Ben-Bassat's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Uniqueness of analytic continuation in rigid analytic geometry

In classical complex analysis it is easy to prove that a meromorphic function has at most one analytic continuation (on an open connected subset of $\mathbb C$, say). The problem of non-uniqueness of ...
John's user avatar
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Converging sequence of base change

Here is a natural question that I hope will be of interest to some. Let $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ be the field of formal Laurent series over $\mathbf{F}_p$. An automorphism of $\mathbf{F}_p(\!(T)\!)$ ...
thierry stulemeijer's user avatar
5 votes
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Berkovich stalk versus rigid analytic stalk

Let $A$ be a strictly affinoid algebra. Let $X^{Ber}$ bet its Berkovich spectrum and $X^{Tate} = \operatorname{Sp} A$ its affinoid variety in the sense of rigid analytic geometry. Let $\mathfrak{m} \...
Helene Sigloch's user avatar
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Detecting $k$-affinoid spaces by vanishing cohomology

The property of being an affine scheme can be tested against all quasi-coherent sheaves in the following sense: a noetherian scheme $X$ is affine iff $H^i(X,\mathcal{F}) = 0$ for all quasi-coherent $\...
msteve's user avatar
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Topology of ring of global sections of finite union of affinoid opens in a rigid analytic space

Let $X$ be a rigid analytic space over a non-Archimedean field $k$. If $U_1,\ldots,U_n\subseteq X$ are affinoid opens, then it's usually not clear whether or not the admissible open $U=U_1\cup\cdots\...
Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
15 votes
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How does one make sense of the $\mathbf{C}_p$-points of a rigid analytic space over $\mathbf{Q}_p$?

I apologize in advance if this question is terribly naive. I've just recently learned a bit of rigid analytic geometry with the hopes of understanding some basic facts about eigenvarieties. In the ...
Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
13 votes
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Cohomology of rigid-analytic spaces

Let $R$ be a complete discrete valuation ring and let $K$ be its field of fractions. Suppose $X$ is a smooth rigid-anaytic space over $K$. Often it is convenient to have a model of $X$ whose ...
Jared Weinstein's user avatar
11 votes
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Do Berkovich homogenous spaces exist?

Let G be a k-analytic group, and let H be a closed subgroup of G. Then does there exist a k-analytic space, which can be reasonably called the quotient G/H? Commentary: I realise that I am not being ...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference Request: Vector bundles in rigid analytic geometry

In algebraic geometry it is well-known (see Hartshorne Exercise II.5.16 for example) that there is a 1-1 correspondence between rank $n$ (geometric) vector bundles $\pi\colon Y\to X$ on a scheme $X$ ...
Simon Wadsley's user avatar
10 votes
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Analytic elements in non-archimedean geometry

Let $(k,|.|)$ be a complete non-archimedean valued field. Let $D$ be the open unit disc over $k$. (Anything I write could be adapted to the case of an open annulus.) The ring $\mathcal{O}(D)$ of ...
Jérôme Poineau's user avatar
7 votes
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Are admissible open subsets of an affinoid space of countable type?

A rigid analytic space $Y$ over a complete non-archimedean valued field $k$ is said to be of countable type if it has a countable (possibly finite) admissible covering by affinoids over $k$. ...
Simon Wadsley's user avatar
4 votes
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How should we understand the relative interior in Berkovich spaces

I'm reading Berkovich's book on analytic spaces. The notion of relative interior confuses me. Is there anyway to see how it "looks like"? For instance, if $r <1$, what is the relative interior of \...
marker's user avatar
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Consequences of the geometric properties of the eigencurve

The eigencurve $\mathcal{E}$ is a rigid-analytic space parametrizing certain $p$-adic families of modular forms and associated Galois representations. By constructing an auxiliary reduced rigid curve ...
user12235's user avatar
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A functor of points approach to Berkovich analytic spaces

Is it possible to define a Berkovich analytic space via its functor of points? Let $k$ be a complete non-Archimedean field, possibly the trivial one. I am tempted to define a Berkovich analytic space ...
Martin Ulirsch's user avatar
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Tate models for semistable algebraic varieties with mixed reduction over a local field

It's known that if $A$ is an abelian variety of totally multiplicative reduction over a p-adic field K, then, after taking a finite field extension, it becomes isomorphic, as a rigid analytic group, ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Etale cohomology of Berkovich spaces

Suppose $X/\mathbb{Q}$ is a reasonable smooth projective variety with interesting etale cohomology. For example, we can say $X$ is an elliptic curve. To what extent does it make sense to study the ...
none's user avatar
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Spherical completions and flatness

Let $k$ be a non-Archimedean field. Does there exist a spherical completion $K$ of $k$ such that for any $k$-Banach space $X$, the natural map $X \to X \widehat{\otimes}K$ is an isometric embedding? ...
Oren Ben-Bassat's user avatar
7 votes
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$p$-adic uniformization not from the Drinfel'd spaces?

It seems that when we talk about the $p$-adic uniformization, we typically mean those uniformized by either the Drinfel'd upper spaces (for which we think of the examples of Mumford curves and some ...
genshin's user avatar
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Is X_0(p) a Mumford curve over $Q_{p^2}$

Let $p$ be a prime number and $X_0(p)/\mathbf{Q}$ be the classical modular curve for $\Gamma_0(p)$. Let $\tilde{X}_0(p)/\mathbf{Z}$ be the projective arithmetic surface corresponding to the ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Rigid Uniformization vs Grothendieck's Local Monodromy Theory

I've noticed that some interesting results about abelian varieties can each be proven using one of two ways: the theory of rigid uniformization of abelian varieties or Grothendieck's local monodromy ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Base Change for Eigenvarieties

Let $E/F$ be a Galois extension of number fields, and $G$ a reductive group over $F$. If Langlands Base Change is known for $G/F$ and $G/E$, and moreover the eigenvarieties for $G/F$ and $G/E$ have ...
Kevin Ventullo's user avatar
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Terminology: Epimorphism in non-archimedean analysis

In their book "Non-Archimedean analysis", when BGR refer to an epimorphism in the context of $k$-Banach algebras do they actually require (or does it follow that) such maps are surjections? For ...
LMN's user avatar
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Relative nonarchimedean disks and annuli

Let $A$ be a Huber (i.e. f-adic) ring, meaning a topological ring with an open subring $A_0$ which is adic and has finitely generated ideal of definition. Is there a good notion of closed disk of ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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scheme of generalizations

Hi, I have the following problem. Let $\mathcal{O}$ be a valuation ring and $S=Spec(\mathcal{O})$, denote with $s$ the closed point and with $\eta$ the generic one. Let $X\rightarrow S$ be a proper, ...
meti's user avatar
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morphism from adic spaces to schemes

Let $X:=Spa A$ be an affinoid adic space, and $\underline X $ the ringed space of $X$. Let $Y:=Spec B$ be an affine scheme, $f: \underline X \longrightarrow Y$ a morphism of ringed spaces. How to ...
kiseki's user avatar
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Component group of Neron model of a parametrized abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension $2$ over a $p$-adic field $K$ with (additive) valuation $v$. Assuming $A$ has multiplicative reduction, the theory of $p$-adic theta functions gives us an ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Modules with connection over $p$-adic laurent series rings

If $X$ is a smooth rigid analytic space over a $p$-adic field $K$ (of characteristic zero), then every coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-module with integrable connection is locally free. In his paper "...
ChrisLazda's user avatar
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What is the nature of the zero locus of a section of a coherent sheaf?

Suppose that $X$ is a reduced rigid space and $\scr{F}$ is a coherent sheaf on $X$. For a section $f\in {\scr F}(X)$, the zero locus of $f$ is the set of points $x\in X$ at which $f$ vanishes in the ...
Ramsey's user avatar
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Generalized GAGA

So, I have heard GAGA works for Rigid Analytic spaces. I know next to nothing about this, but it made me curious as to whether there are any other contexts in which GAGA "works". Of course, this is a ...
Ian M.'s user avatar
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What are in units of an affinoid algebra?

Suppose that $K$ is a complete local field and $A$ is an affinoid $K$-algebra. Is there a known way to produce an explicit description of the units of $A$? Here is what I already know: write $A^\circ$...
Simon Wadsley's user avatar
3 votes
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universal finite differential module of affinoid algebra

Let $k$ be a value field (archimedean), for example $k = \mathbb{Q}_p$, the p-adic field. The free Tate algebra is $$ T_n := \left\{ \ \sum a_I X^I, \ a_I \in k, \ a_I \rightarrow 0 \text{ as } |I| \...
user565739's user avatar
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reference for p-adic Stein spaces

Hi, I'm looking for a reference in english for p-adic Stein spaces. The usual referneces I come across are all in german. Thanks
Nicolás's user avatar
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Is the Gouvea-Mazur problem related to symmetric square $L$-functions?

Here's an idea that I've found appealing but have never been able to get anywhere with. One way to frame the Gouvea-Mazur question (for lack of a better term, since the original conjecture by the ...
Ramsey's user avatar
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Sheaf of power-bounded elements in rigid analytic geometry

Let $k$ be a field with a non-archimedean complete valuation $|\ |$, $X$ a reduced rigid analytic space over $k$. The presheaf $\mathcal{O}^0$ which to an affinoid $U$ of $X$ attaches the ring $\...
Joël's user avatar
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Support of Tor over affinoid algebras

Suppose $k$ is a complete nonarchimedian field, $A$ is a $k$-affinoid algebra, and $M$ is a finitely presented $A$-module. Is the set $\tau(M)= \left\{ x \in \mathrm{Sp}(A)\,\mathrm{with}\,\mathrm{...
David Hansen's user avatar
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