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Approximate a one-form with nowhere vanishing one-forms having bounded Laplacians

This is a follow-up question of this one. Let $\mathbb{D}^2$ be the closed two-dimensional unit disk (endowed with some smooth Riemannian metric), and let $\sigma \in \Omega^1(\mathbb{D}^2)$ be a ...
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Approximate a one-form on the disk with nowhere vanishing one-forms satisfying an asymptotic vanishing of some derivatives

Let $\mathbb{D}^2$ be the closed two-dimensional unit disk, and let $g:\mathbb{D}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ be a non-constant harmonic function (smooth up to the boundary). Does there exist a sequence of ...
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Can we approximate a vector field on the plane with non-vanishing vector fields in $W^{1,2}$?

Let $V$ be a compactly-supported vector field on $\mathbb{R}^2$, whose zeros inside some open neighbourhood of the closed unit disk $\mathbb{D}^2$ are isolated. Does there exist a sequence of ...
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Is the normalized derivative of a holomorphic function Sobolev?

This question is a cross-post from MSE. it is also a special case of this question. Let $B=\{z\in \mathbb C \,|\,|z|\le 1\}$, and let $f:B \to \mathbb{C}$ be holomorphic on the interior $B^o$, and ...
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