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23 votes
1 answer

A list of proofs of the Hasse–Minkowski theorem

I am currently doing a project in which I intend to include the most insightful possible proof of the Hasse–Minkowski theorem (also known as the Hasse principle for quadratic forms, among other names) ...
3 votes
0 answers

Using the Hilbert symbol to find nice field extensions

Let $p$ and $q$ be (not necessarily distinct) odd primes and let $F=\mathbb{Q}_p(\mu_q)$. The $q^{th}$ Hilbert symbol induces a non-degenerate alternating form $$(\cdot,\cdot)_q:F^\times/(F^\times)^q\...
2 votes
2 answers

A multidimensional version of Hensel's lemma? (for more than one polynomial)

The classical Hensel's lemma is stated as follows: Let $f(x) \in \mathbb{Z}_p[x]$ and $a \in \mathbb{Z}_p$ satisfy $$ |f(a)|_p < | f'(a) |_p^2. $$ Then there is a unique $\alpha \in \mathbb{Z}_p$...