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41 votes
4 answers

What is the probability two random maps on n symbols commute?

It is well known that two randomly chosen permutations of $n$ symbols commute with probability $p_n/n!$ where $p_n$ is the number of partitions of $n$. This is a special case of the fact that in a ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Combinatorics for the action of Virasoro / Kac–Schwarz operators: partition polynomials of free probability theory

In the background sections below, I establish the relations among characterizations of the action of Virasoro / Kac–Schwarz operators of 2D gravity models presented in terms of Laurent series by ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does every commutative monoid admit a translation-invariant measure?

Let $T$ be a commutative monoid, written additively. The set $T$ is equipped with a canonical pre-order, defined by $s \le t$ when there exists $s' \in T$ so that $s + s' = t$. Consequently, $T$ may ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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5 votes
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Percolation in Cayley graphs of semigroups.

Percolation in Cayley graphs of groups are studied by many researchers. There are also the concept Cayley graphs for semigroups. Are there any research about percolation in Cayley graphs for ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Characters on monotone functions

Characters on the semigroup $(C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d}),+)$, i.e. on bounded positive continuous functions with the ususal pointwise addition, are known to be of the form $C_{+}^{b}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\ni ...
Tobsn's user avatar
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3 votes
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When are all the convolution roots of an infinitely divisible probability measure infinitely divisible?

Let $G$ be a topological group. Let us say that a probability measure $\mu$ on $G$ is strongly infinitely divisible (SID) if $\mu$ is infinitely divisible and any probability measure $\nu$ on $G$ ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Factorisation of positive definite functions

Let $(S,\circ)$ be a semigroup with identical involution. Of course, we know that products of positive definite functions on $S$ are again positive definite. I'm interested in the other direction, ...
Tobsn's user avatar
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Are the roots of an infinitely divisible probability infinitely divisible themselves?

Let $\mu$ be an infinitely divisible probability on a topological group $G$. If $\nu ^{* n} = \mu$ for some $n$, is $\nu$ an infinitely divisible probability too? A sufficient criterion would be to ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Semigroups of nondecreasing functions

Consider some partially ordered set $(E,\leq)$. Assume either that it is countable with the discrete topology, or that it has some topology compatible with the order, preferably one that makes it into ...
Vilhelm Agdur's user avatar
1 vote
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Schemes for conditional distributions (monads)

(Note: This is a heuristic question. I'm trying to work out if this idea makes sense. I don't have much background in this area, so apologies if I'm wide of the mark.) Suppose you have a monad ...
prdnr's user avatar
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