Let $T$ be a commutative monoid, written additively. The set $T$ is equipped with a canonical pre-order, defined by $s \le t$ when there exists $s' \in T$ so that $s + s' = t$. Consequently, $T$ may be equipped with the specialization topology for this pre-order, where the closed sets are those which are downward-closed. Note that $T$ is typically not Hausdorff, since the closure of a singleton is its down-set: $\overline{\{t\}} = t\!\downarrow\, := \{ s : s \le t \}$.
Let $\mathcal B(T)$ denote the Borel $\sigma$-algebra with respect to this topology. In this way, every commutative monoid is canonically a measurable space.
Equipped with the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal B(T)$, does every commutative monoid $T$ admit a (non-trivial) family of translation-invariant measures?