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Status of generalization of timelike tube theorem to algebras of causal completions

The timelike tube theorem states that the additive algebra $A_{\text{add}}(U)$ of operators in a spacetime region $U$ is equal to the additive algebra $A_{\text{add}}(E(U))$ of the timelike envelope $...
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What are some results that assume the Connes' embedding conjecture or any of its reformulations?

As you all (may) know, the Connes embedding conjecture was disproven last year. Also, as its Wikipedia page shows, there are multiple reformulations (but it is definitely not an exhaustive list): ...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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Non-perturbative Renormalization in the sense of Polchinski's equation. Do we have a mathematical formulation?

My question is about mathematical treatment of exact renormalization group in the sense of Polchinski's flow equation. In a heuristic form, Polchinski's equation looks like: $\partial_t S[\phi] = \...
user158305's user avatar
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$T\bar{T}$ deformation: Stress-energy momentum tensor deformed in CFT and in QFT for various $d$-dimensions

The $T\bar{T}$ deformation is based on the original work of Zamolochikov [1] explored deformations of two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFT) by an operator that is quadratic in the stress-...
wonderich's user avatar
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Integration of Weyl operators multiplied by quasifree state over a symplectic space

I am reading the book "An invitation to the Algebra of Canonical Commutation Relations" by Denes Petz. It is freely available for download here. In Chapter 9, he defines the Lebesgue measure on a ...
Tiju Cherian John's user avatar
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Murray-von Neumann classification of local algebras in Haag-Kastler QFT

The Haag-Kastler approach to quantum field theory (QFT) is one of the oldest approaches to rigorously define what a QFT is, it deals with nets of operator algebras: You start with a spacetime and ...
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