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How to check that a number probably/likely has a divisor having a specific bit length/in range?

Given a randomly generated $\alpha\in\Bbb N$ where $\alpha$ is large thus hard to factor (no small prime composites). How to check that a divisor $F\in\Bbb N$ with a specific bitlengh $n\in\Bbb N∧n<...
user2284570's user avatar
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How to know if a random natural number is a probable semiprime?

Let that $n\in\Bbb N$ generated from a hash function where $n$ is long enough to be hard to factor in the gnfs algorithm. How to check if $n$ is probably a semi‑prime in a faster way than factoring it ...
user2284570's user avatar
3 votes
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Root of polynomials in a finite field

I am looking for a way to find out if a polynomial $P\in \mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z=\mathbb F_p$, of great degree, has roots in $\mathbb F_p$, with $p$ a big prime number. For example : $p=2^{2020}-69$ ...
Dattier's user avatar
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On a deterministic primes search problem

I feel the following problem might be resolved already. But I could not find any related answers. If $p_1,p_2,\dots,p_t$ are primes where $2\leq t=o(\log n)$ is there a prime within $$\prod_{i=1}^...
Turbo's user avatar
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On complexity of a particular prime problem

Is the following problem in $PH$ and is it complete for any class? Problem: Is the $i$th bit of the $m$th prime $1$? It appears to require a counting quantifier which has to demonstrate witness is the ...
Turbo's user avatar
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What are the complexity classes of these problems about divisibility and coprimality?

The problems 'Given $0<a<b$ and a prime $p<a$ is there an integer $\ell\in[a,b]$ such that $p|\ell$?' 'Given $0<a<b$ and an integer $q\not\in[a,b]$ is there an integer $\ell\in[a,b]$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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What is the complexity class of this problem without Cramer's conjecture?

The problem 'Given $0<a<b$ is there a prime in the interval $[a,b]$?' is in $\mathsf{NP}$. If we assume Cramer's conjecture the problem is in $\mathsf{P}$ since if $b-a>(\log a)^{2+\epsilon}$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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A problem in modular roots

We have three mutually coprime integers $r,t,M$ where $M\asymp K^{\frac12-2\epsilon}$ and $r,t\asymp K^{\frac14+\epsilon}$ holds with some fixed $\epsilon>0$ and $K>0$ is a large parameter. ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Higher roots modulo prime complexity best algorithm

Given integers $a,\ell$ and prime $p$ we need to find the roots of the algebraic equation $x^\ell\equiv a\bmod p$. We know there are at most $\ell$ such $x$. What is the best method to find all such ...
Amal Duriseti's user avatar
12 votes
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Seeking references for finding primes infinitely often

I've been pondering this weakened version of the finding primes problem for a while: Is there an algorithm which given $k$ outputs a prime $p > 2^k$ in time $F(\log_2(p))$? This differs from ...
Dan Brumleve's user avatar
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On generating squarefree integers and primes?

Given an $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and $n\in\Bbb N$ what are some known deterministic algorithms to sample $O(n^\alpha)$ (not just get one) square free integers of $n$ bits? Is it $O(n^{\alpha})$ complexity? ...
Turbo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Counting twin primes efficiently

This question, as well as its answers and comments, highlights a lot of unsettling numerical coincidences where certain sums over twin primes ostensibly converge to all kinds of weird values, however ...
Mikhail Tikhomirov's user avatar
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Specializing non-trivial primality tests

Primes $p$ are integers with no factors (composite allowed) in $[1,p]$. There is a polynomial time test for them. Given an interval $[a,b]$ what is the best way to test given integer $q$ has no ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Can primes be (almost) random sequence in von Mises sense?

Random models for primes (such as Cramer's model) have been extensively used for informal justification of various conjectures involving primes. It is crucial to understand in what sense sequence of ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Avoiding Chinese Remainder Theorem

Given $k\in\Bbb N$ with $k<(\log_2N)^{\frac1\alpha}$ where $\alpha>2$ is fixed and $N$ being some integer such that $$N<\prod_{i=1}^k\pi_i^{a_i}$$ where $\pi_1,\pi_2,\dots,\pi_{k-1},\pi_k$ ...
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What is the Complexity Class of the "Function Variant" of the Integer Factorization Problem?

I've been reading up a lot Prime Factorization and it's complexity, including a fair number of questions on this very site. However, I still feel there is a question still left unanswered. So, ...
Ahsim's user avatar
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Is there a known primitive recursive upper bound on the nth "Zhang prime"

(This question is pure curiosity. Feel free to close it if you feel it is not appropriate for mathoverflow.) In 2013 Zhang showed that there are infinitely many pairs of primes which are less that ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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Approximate number of primes below a given integer?

The problem of the complexity of the exact counting problem for primes is interesting. The best result we have about primes is that it is hard for TC0. But counting the number of witnesses to a TC0 ...
Alex's user avatar
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Reducing factoring prime products to factoring integer products (in average-case)

My question is about the equivalence of the security of various candidate one-way functions that can be constructed based on the hardness of factoring. (This question has been asked also in the CS ...
Omid Etesami's user avatar
10 votes
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Can a number be factored quickly, given the sum of its prime factors?

This is perhaps most naturally phrased as a promise problem. Given numbers $n$ and $s$, where $s$ is the sum of the prime factors of $n$ (distinct or with multiplicity; I imagine both variants will ...
Charles's user avatar
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Boolean Cube of Primes

For a large enough $n$, and a parameter $ m $ I'm looking for a subset of the prime numbers in the range $[n,2n]$ with a unique structure. I am looking for a prime $p$ and a set of $m$ positive (not ...
Avishay Tal's user avatar