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Partitioning a smooth manifold into geodesically convex sets

Let $X$ be a connected and compact $d$-dimensional smooth manifold; where $d$ is a positive integer. Does (or rather, when does) there exist a metric $\rho$ on $X$ generating $X$'s topology and a ...
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Distance between two points using triangulation

Suppose we have two points $p_1$ and $p_2$ in a metric space with unknown dimensionality, with no way to directly compute the distance between them, e.g. no coordinates. Say we can randomly sample a ...
CambridgeStudent's user avatar
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Are Hölder functions between Banach spaces residual in the compact-open topology?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces and let $C(X,Y)$ be the set of continuous functions from $X$ to $Y$ equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets (i.e. the compact-open topology). ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Does a compact contractible metric space have a point that is fixed by all isometries?

Let $(X,d)$ be a compact and contractible metric space. Let $\operatorname{Isom}(X)=\{\phi\colon X\to X\}$ be its group of isometries. Question: Is there a point $x\in X$ fixed by all $\phi\in\...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Do all manifolds admit metrics with Euclidean balls?

Let $M$ be a compact topological n-manifold. Suppose we are given a locally flat embedding $M \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+k}$. This induces a metric on $M$ by restriction. Is it true that for $\epsilon$ ...
Connor Malin's user avatar
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When do Polish spaces admit complete metric making them $\mathrm{CAT}(\kappa)$?

Question $\DeclareMathOperator\CAT{CAT}$Let $X$ be a Polish space. When are there known conditions under which $X$'s topology can be metrized by a metric $d$ such that $(X,d)$ is a: $\CAT(\kappa)$ ...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
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Limit of metric spaces

Let $\{X_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ be a collection of T2 topological spaces, with maps $f_n\colon X_n \to X_{n+1}$. These maps are continuous and open. Let $X$ be the direct limit of this system. Assume ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Topological characterization of injective metric spaces

Let $\ (X\ d)\ \,(Y\ \delta)\ $ be arbitrary metric spaces. A function $\ f:X\rightarrow Y\ $ is called a metric map (with respect to the given metrics $\ d\ \delta$) $\ \Leftarrow:\Rightarrow\ \...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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Independence of the axiomatics of metric cones

A metric cone $C$ is a nonempty metric space (whose distance is denoted $d$) together with a map $\cdot\colon \mathbf{R}\times C \mapsto C$ satisfying these axioms: $a\cdot(b\cdot x) = (ab)\cdot x$ ...
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