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A Dynkin type classification result in linear algebra

Let $G$ be a finite directed acyclic graph. The Cartan matrix $C_G=C$ of $G$ is defined as the matrix with rows and colums indexed by the vertices of $G$ and $c_{i,j}$ counts the number of paths from $...
Mare's user avatar
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Matrix of high rank mod $2$: must it have a large non-singular minor (with disjoint rows and columns)?

Let $A$ be a $2n$-by-$2n$ matrix with entries in $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ such that, for every $2n$-by-$2n$ diagonal matrix $D$ with entries in $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, the matrix $A+D$ has rank $\...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Does this inequality always hold?

Denote the adjacency matrix of a given undirected graph by $g$. It is an $n$-by-$n$ symmetric Boolean matrix with elements on the diagonal to be zero ($n\geq 3$). Let $g_{12}=g_{21}=g_{13}=g_{31}=1$ ...
liuchun deng's user avatar
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Zero diagonal nonsymmetric block checkerboard matrix: orbits and numerical ranges

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}$ be a nonsymmetric zero diagonal matrix with a zero/non-zero pattern which is symmetric and persymmetric (i.e. symmetric in the northeast-to-southwest diagonal). If ...
Astor's user avatar
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Matrix Operations Preserving Hurwitz Stability

I begin with terminology I use in the question. A real square matrix $A$ is negative-stable if for every eigenvalue $\lambda$ of $A$, ${\mathrm{Re}}(\lambda) < 0$; $\ast$-negative-stable if for ...
Gilles Gnacadja's user avatar
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How to delete the maximum number of rows of a Boolean matrix by maintaining the sum greater than zero in each column

I have a Boolean matrix (entries are "0" or "1"), which is not square. The sum over each row and each column is constant (but they can be two different values). I would like to ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Space of change of basis matrices between two similar matrices - how to reduce it with additional tests?

Assume we have two real symmetric $n\times n$ matrices: $A, B$. We can easily test their similarity: $\textrm{Tr}(A^k)=\textrm{Tr}(B^k)$ for $k=1..n$. In this case both can be rotated to the same ...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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The (minimum) rank of a relation

$\DeclareMathOperator{\rk}{rk}$ For an integer $n\ge 1$, let $\mathcal R_n$ denote the set of all reflexive binary relations on $[n]$. I define the rank of a relation $R\in\mathcal R_n$ to be the ...
Seva's user avatar
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Interpreting positive semidefinite matrix as a graph

Given any symmetric matrix $S \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, if $S \succeq 0$, is there a way to encode $S$ into a graph such that it takes into account the positive semidefinite constraint, and ...
patchouli's user avatar
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Adjacency matrix/tensor operations for graph sequences?

Consider a graph $G=(V,E)$. Its adjacency matrix $A$ is defined by $A_{u,v} = 1$ if $(u,v)\in E$, $0$ otherwise. Consider a vector $x$ that associates a value $x_v$ to each vertex of $G$. Consider the ...
Matthieu Latapy's user avatar
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Is $L'L_\text{in}+L_\text{in}'L$ positive semi-definite?

Assume that $A$ is the adjacency matrix of a strongly connected directed graph, that is, $A$ is non-negative and irreducible. Let $$L_\text{in}=D_\text{in}-A',\;L=D_\text{in}-A'+D_\text{out}-A$$ where ...
Jiaqi's user avatar
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How to restructure adjacency matrix $A$ from shortest distance matrix $B$ in Network topology inference

An undirected graph with $n$ nodes could be referred to as an adjacency matrix $A$. $A=[a_{ij}]_{n×n}$ with $a_{ij}=a_{ji}=1$ standing for there being an edge between node $i$ and node $j$, and no ...
HGF's user avatar
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Linear independence of vectors in Graph Theory

I have poste this question on StackExchange but there were no takers - would I be luckier on this site? Most of this is well known, so let me just restate the corresponding Math: Given a connected, ...
Honza's user avatar
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Upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algorithm

I'm stuck trying to get upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algroithm for finding first eigenvalue of adjacency matrix $A$ given tolerance value. I've tried to figure something out ...
TotalNoob's user avatar