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Questions tagged [local-fields]

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Automorphisms of local fields

It is an amusing coincidence (at least it appears to be a coincidence to me) that any completion of the field $\mathbb{Q}$ has trivial automorphism group as an abstract field, i.e. when ignoring the ...
Robert Kucharczyk's user avatar
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Cartan decomposition for upper triangular matrices

Due to the comments, I have the impression that I have to be more precise. Consider $G= GL_n(F)$ for a non-Archimedean field $F$ with ring of integers $o$. Let $K= GL_n(o)$ and let $I$ the Iwahori ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Normgroup and the image of the Hilbert symbol are subgroups of index 2 in the principal units

Let $K$ be a local field over $\mathbb{Q}_2$ such that the extension $K(i)/K$ is ramified and let $U^1_{K(i)}$ and $U^1_K$ denote the groups of principal units in the fields $K(i)$ and $K$, ...
Anfaenger's user avatar
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Relation between 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional reciprocity maps

Let $M/L/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite galois abelian extension of local fields and define $\mathcal{M}=M\{\{T\}\}=\{\sum_{i\in \mathcal{Z}}a_iT^i : a_i\in M, \min_{i\in \mathcal{Z}} v(a_i)>-\infty, \...
user56577's user avatar
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is there a criterion for a two-generator subgroup of $PL(2,K)$ to be a cocompact lattice?

In the case of the group $SO(n,1)$ there is a criterion known for whether or not two given elements of the group generate a cocompact lattice. Is any similar criterion known in the case of $PL(2,K)$ ...
Rupert's user avatar
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Inertia group vs. differential equations

The tame quotient of the inertia group of $\mathbf Q_p$, say, is the profinite group generated by the Frobenius $\sigma$ and the monodromy $\tau$, subject to the relation $\tau^{p-1} [\tau, \sigma] = ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Galois invariants in a ring of fractional power series over a finite field

Let $\mathbf{F}_q$ be a finite field, and let $A=\mathbf{F}_q [[ x^{1/q^\infty} ]]$ be the completion of $\mathbf{F}_q[x^{1/q^\infty}]$ with respect to the $x$-adic topology. Then the $q$th power ...
Jared Weinstein's user avatar
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Ramified complete discrete valuation rings as extensions

Suppose $O$ is a complete discrete valuation ring with uniformizer $\pi$ and residue field $k=O/\pi O$ of charactersitc $p>0$. If $\nu$ is the $\pi$-adic valuation on $K=Frac(O)$, suppose also ...
user26223's user avatar
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Continuity of the solutions of an isogeny in a formal group

Notation for the problem: Let $E/\mathbb{Q}_P$ be a local field, and $\mu_E$ its maximal ideal. Let $K=E\{\{T\}\}$ be the standard 2-dimensional local field equipped with the Parshin topology and let ...
George's user avatar
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Valuations in Higher-dimensional local fields

I have the following question which I believ should be true but I would like to have a different opinion about it: Let $M/L$ is a finite Galois extension of $n$-dimensional local fields and $t_1,\...
George's user avatar
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integrating a character of a non-archimedean local field

By way of motivation, this computation comes from a proof in Bump's book Automorphic Forms and Representations where he shows that the Weil index of the reduced norm of a four-dimensional central ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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Conductors of Weil-Deligne representations

Suppose $(V,N)$ is an $n$-dimensional semisimple $WD$ representation of $W_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$. This corresponds under local Langlands to an admissable representation $\pi$ of $GL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$. Is ...
David Hansen's user avatar
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