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2 answers

Reductive Lie algebra of a Lie group

In the answer of my question: On the full reducibility of representations of reductive Lie algebras James E. Humphreys replied to me saying that:"the notion of "reductive" for a Lie algebra in ...
Michele Torielli's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Dolbeault Operators for $CP^1$ as $\mathfrak{su}(2)$ Actions.

This question is related to a previous question of mine. More specifically, it results from my attempts to understand the simplest incarnation of a phenomenon mentioned therein. Put a grading on the ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

subgroup of SU(N) with maximal manifold dimension

Given the group SU(N) of NxN unitary matrices, does there exist a subgroup S with a manifold dimension larger than the SU(N-1) manifold dimension and smaller than the SU(N) one? S should not ...
Alm's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Matrix representation for $F_4$

Has anyone ever bothered to write down the 26-dimensional fundamental representation of $F_4$? I wouldn't mind looking at it. Is it in $\mathfrak{so}(26)$? I'm familiar with the construction of the ...
Q.Q.J.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Why can the Dolbeault Operators be Realised as Lie Algebra Actions

I've been looking at an example in the non-commutative geometry literature and I'm having trouble figuring out what the classical motivation is. I'll just describe the classical case here: Recall that ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Understanding moment maps and Lie brackets

I'm trying to learn about moment maps in symplectic topology (suppose our Lie group is $G$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, acting on the symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ by symplectomorphisms). I'm ...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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1 answer

Polytopes related to the conjugation action of a Lie group on multiple copies of itself?

Let G be a finite dimensional real Lie group. As I understand it, the quotient space of G acting on itself by conjugation is a well studied polytope which can be identified with the fundamental alcove ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Cohomology of Lie groups and Lie algebras

The length of this question has got a little bit out of hand. I apologize. Basically, this is a question about the relationship between the cohomology of Lie groups and Lie algebras, and maybe ...
algori's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

A terminology issue with the Killing form

I understand the definition of the Killing form $B$ as $$B(X,Y)=\mathrm{Tr}(\mathrm{ad}(X)\mathrm{ad}(Y)).$$ When the Lie group is semisimple the negative of the Killing form can serve as a Riemannian ...
Anirbit's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Why are Lie Algebras/ Lie Groups so much like crossed modules, and not?

A crossed module consists of a pair of groups $G$ and $H$ with a group homomorphism, $t:H \rightarrow G$, and $\alpha: G \times H \rightarrow H$ that defines an action of $G$ on $H$, $\tilde{\alpha}$: ...
Scott Carter's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

Why is Lie's Third Theorem difficult?

Recall the following classical theorem of Cartan (!): Theorem (Lie III): Any finite-dimensional Lie algebra over $\mathbb R$ is the Lie algebra of some analytic Lie group. Similarly, one can propose ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Is every finite-dimensional Lie algebra the Lie algebra of a closed linear Lie group?

This question is closely related to this one. Ado's theorem states that given a finite-dimensional Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, there exists a faithful representation $\rho\colon\mathfrak g \to \...
mathreader's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras

What is the exact relationship between Lie groups and Lie algebras? I know it's not bijective because all commutative Lie groups have isomorphic Lie algebras.
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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77 votes
7 answers

What is the symbol of a differential operator?

I find Wikipedia's discussion of symbols of differential operators a bit impenetrable, and Google doesn't seem to turn up useful links, so I'm hoping someone can point me to a more pedantic discussion....
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

Is every finite-dimensional Lie algebra the Lie algebra of an algebraic group?

Harold Williams, Pablo Solis, and I were chatting and the following question came up. In Lie group land (where you're doing differential geometry), given a finite-dimensional Lie algebra g, you can ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
38 votes
18 answers

Learning about Lie groups

Can someone suggest a good book for teaching myself about Lie groups? I study algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, and I like lots of examples. Thanks.

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