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A question related to the Hofstadter–Conway \$10000 sequence

The Hofstadter–Conway \$10000 sequence is defined by the nested recurrence relation $$c(n) = c(c(n-1)) + c(n-c(n-1))$$ with $c(1) = c(2) = 1$. This sequence is A004001 and it is well-known that this ...
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Factor-counting sequence

Define a non-negative integer sequence $\{\mathcal{F}_n\}$ as follows: start with 1 and, at each step, insert the number of entries already present in the sequence which are factors of the last one. ...
Alessandro Della Corte's user avatar
2 votes
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A question on $a_i(n) = a_i(\pi(n)) + a_i(n-\pi(n))$ with $a_i(n) = 1$ for $n \le i$

Let $a_i(n) = a_i(\pi(n)) + a_i(n-\pi(n))$ with $a_i(n) = 1$ for $n \le i$ where $\pi(n)$ is the prime-counting function. By definition, it is obvious that $a_1(n) = n$ and $a_2(n)$ is https://oeis....
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