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More asymptotics for trees

This is a follow up to my recent question on the asymptotics of A003238. Lucia gave a fine answer to that question, but as I hinted the 'real' problem I have in mind is slightly different, and I've ...
Michael Albert's user avatar
15 votes
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Word complexity of primes mod 4

For an infinite binary word $w$, the word complexity $f_w(n)$ is defined as the number of different subwords of length $n$. The asymptotic behavior of this function is an important parameter of the ...
Igor Pak's user avatar
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A square-squareroot integer race sequence involving primes

I wonder what is the expected behavior of this process? Let $f^2_{\mathrm{next}}(n) =$ the next prime after $n^2$. $g_{\mathrm{sqrt}}(n) = \lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor$. Now iterate as follows, ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
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Flow of an integer

I've stumbled across this family of flow networks, and posted the sequence of maximal flows to OEIS: A238729. I can't find any reference to it either. Has anyone seen it? Here is the description: ...
Ken Levasseur's user avatar
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Number of squares in a grid under certain conditions

Consider an $(n+1)\times (n+1)$ grid of lattice points in the plane. $A(n):$ # of squares with vertices on the grid. It's relatively well-known that $A(n)=\frac{n(n+1)^2(n+2)}{12}$. Now, $A(n) = B(...
user66997's user avatar
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Classic question on integer partitions (with distinct summands)

I guess that the following was solved sometime in the 18th century, but could not find a reference to it. I am interested in approximations to the following integer partition problem: Denote $R(N,L)$ ...
Amir Bar's user avatar
3 votes
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Sequences with integral variances

This is a companion to my earlier question, Sequences with integral means. This new question is, frankly, not as interesting, but it feels necessary to complete the thought. Let $V(n)$ be the ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes
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Number of Configurations in the optimal Hanoi tower

There is a unique strategy how to move $n$ disks from the first rod to the second optimally and it takes $2^n-1$ steps, solution is obtained by simple recursion. I am interested into the following ...
kakia's user avatar
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Maximal difference between k randomly drawn numbers from 1 to n – Looking for formula to sequence

Hello! I have an interesting problem that seemed simple to me, but I'm unable to solve it on my own. Suppose I am drawing k numbers out of n numbers labeled from 1 to n. Considering all $\binom{n}{k}$...
Christoph's user avatar
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Sequences that sum up to sums of integer coefficients

Let $$ T(n,k,p,q,r,s) = (q(k-1)+1)T(n-1,k,p,q,r,s) + s(n+r(k-1)+p-2)T(n-1,k-1,p,q,r,s), \\ T(n,1,p,q,r,s) = 1, \\ T(n,0,p,q,r,s) = T(0,k,p,q,r,s) = 0 $$ Let $$ \ell(n) = \left\lfloor\log_2 n\right\...
Notamathematician's user avatar

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