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26 votes
4 answers

Equations defining hyperbolic geodesics in $\mathbb C \setminus\{0,1\}$

Let $X=\mathbb C\setminus\{0,1\}$, equipped with the hyperbolic structure it inherits from Klein's modular $\lambda$ function $\lambda:\mathbb H \to X$. In each (non-peripheral and nontrivial) free-...
Jonah Gaster's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Build a Fuchsian group starting from punctures on a disk

Consider the moduli space of hyperbolic metrics on the disk with $n>3$ marked points on its boundary, $\mathcal{M}_{D,n}$. $\mathcal{M}_{D,n}$ can be parametrised in terms of cross ratios of the ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Reference for 'Normal Subgroups of Fuchsian Groups'

I am looking for a reference on how to explicitly construct normal subgroups of a given Fuchsian group. I appreciate any help.
QGravity's user avatar
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Canonical immersion of the double torus

It is easy to check that the immersion $\mathbb{T}^2=\mathbb{S}^1\times \mathbb{S}^1\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}^4$, $(\alpha,\beta)\longmapsto(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha,\cos\beta,\sin\beta)$ induces the ...
Jjm's user avatar
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The smallest positive eigenvalue and the length of the shortest geodesic

I'm confused about some things concerning lengths of geodesics on Riemann surfaces and positive eigenvalues of the Laplacian. Moreover, I'm also interested in the relation between these two. Let $X$ ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar