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On a simple alternative correction to Roos' theorem on $\varprojlim^1$

Here is a discussion about an incorrect theorem of Roos, later corrected, some counterexamples and so on. Reading over this, I was a bit shocked because it contradicted something from Weibel's ...
FShrike's user avatar
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contravariant finiteness and limit closure: is there dual to a result of Crawley-Boevey?

Let $\mathcal A$ be a locally finitely presented category. Theorem 4.2 of says that given a full additive subcategory $\mathcal D$ of finitely presented ...
Alex's user avatar
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Comparing stabilization of stable category modulo injectives and a Verdier localization

Let $\mathcal A$ be an abelian category with enough injectives. Let $\mathcal I$ be the collection of injective objects. Let $\mathcal A/\mathcal I$ be the quotient category whose objects are same as ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Vanishing of self-hom in Spanier–Whitehead stabilization category

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\SW{SW}$Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring. For $R$-modules $M,N$, let $\mathcal I_R(M,N)$ be the collection of all $f\in \text{Hom}_R(M,N)$ ...
Snake Eyes's user avatar
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Essentially zero inverse system of abelian groups

I am learning local cohomology from Hartshorne’s Local Cohomology book. My question is about the notion of essentially zero inverse system of abelian groups, which is defined to be an inverse system ...
Boris's user avatar
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Vanishing of higher limits

Let $I$ be a directed set and let $X_I$ be a corresponding inverse system of, say, (complex) vector spaces or abelian groups (in my case in general not finite-dimensional, resp. not finitely generated)...
AlexE's user avatar
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The direct limit of invertible functions on a variety

(I asked this question a couple of days back on Stackexchange but with no success, it seems elementary, but I am struggling to go about attempting it.) Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral ...
oleout's user avatar
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Applications of $FP_\infty$ groups preserving direct systems

In [1], the author proves that given a group $G$ and a directed system $(M_\lambda)_\lambda$ of $G$-modules, the induced maps $$\varinjlim H^k(G,M_\lambda) \to H^k(G,\varinjlim M_\lambda)$$ are ...
Mark Backhaus's user avatar
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Weibel's H-book, Milnor's exact sequence for spectral sequence of filtered complex, Theorem 5.5.5

This is a question which I asked on StackExchange first, but might be more suited here. I got stuck on the proof of Theorem 5.5.5 in Weibel's book. Not only that, but I also could not even find the ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference for homotopy colimit = total complex

I'm looking for a reference for the following fact: take a simplicial chain complex $ X:\Delta^{op}\to Ch_{\geq 0}(\mathcal A)$ for $\mathcal A$ a nice abelian category (say, cocomplete with enough ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
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Projective module which splits off sequence of submodules, but not the sum

Does there exist an example of a module $X$ over some ring $R$ together with submodules $T_i$ such that: $X$ is projective, $X$ splits as an internal direct sum $X\cong T_1\oplus T_2\oplus \ldots \...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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Limit of split short exact sequences

Let $X$ be a module over some ring which splits as $$X\cong M_1\oplus S_1\cong M_1\oplus M_2 \oplus S_2 \cong M_1\oplus M_2 \oplus M_3\oplus S_3\cong \ldots$$ where the isomorphisms come from ...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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Zero in colimit of sheaves category

This question is motivated by showing that the category $\mathbf{Sheaves} (X)$ from the open subset excluding the empty set category to the category of abelian group $\mathbf{Ab}$ has enough injective ...
XT Chen's user avatar
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Need of filtered indexed categories

Similar questions have already been asked here and here but not exactly in the direction I need. I have a (small) index category $\mathcal{I}$ which is not cofiltered, and I need to consider ...
Filippo Alberto Edoardo's user avatar
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Surjectivity of a map on inverse limits

(The following is crossposted from Math.SE, where the question did not receive any answers.) I am looking for a proof of the following lemma from P. Gabriel's Des catégories abéliennes (Chap. IV, §3, ...
Pavel Čoupek's user avatar
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Homology of a limit of semidirect products

Suppose I have two families of groups $A_k$ and $B_k$ indexed by the natural numbers and suppose $B_k$ acts on $A_k$. Suppose there are groups homomorphisms $A_{k+1} \rtimes B_{k+1} \to A_k \rtimes ...
2223's user avatar
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Does the inverse limit of complexes with bounded cohomology have a bounded cohomology?

Let $A$ be a ring (commutative and noetherian if it helps). Suppose we are given an inverse system $M_i$ of complexes of $A$-modules (where $i$ is a natural number), and integers $a<b$ such that ...
user103691's user avatar
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Is there a practical criterion to determine whether the limit of a diagram of real chain complexes is also a homotopy limit?

Consider a diagram D: I→ChR of real connective chain complexes. In the example I have in mind all chain complexes are concentrated in some fixed degree n. There is a canonical map lim D → holim D ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
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colimits of spectral sequences

I'm looking for some references about colimits of spectral sequences. More precisely: let $X : I \longrightarrow \cal{C}$ be a functor from a filtered category $I$ to the category of double cochain ...
Agustí Roig's user avatar
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Tot and colimits

This must be a well-known exercise with spectral sequences, but I don't know a reference for it. I'm trying to figure out when does $Tot$ commute with colimits. More precisely, let $X$ be a double ...
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