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Mixed Hodge structure on sheaf cohomology of a variation of Hodge structures

I'm new here. I hope to do it right! I am interested in studying mixed Hodge structures over complex algebraic surfaces and their generalizations. Let us take a smooth complex variety $X$ and a ...
a_g's user avatar
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Is there a description of variation of (mixed) Hodge Structures in terms of a Deligne operator?

A complex Mixed Hodge Structure is given by a complex vector space $V$ together with a descending filtration $W$ and two ascending filtrations $F,\bar{F}$ that satisfy the condition \begin{equation} ...
jorst's user avatar
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12 votes
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Intrinsic definition of the weight filtration

Let $X$ be a smooth quasiprojective complex variety. Then Deligne (Theorie de Hodge II) defined a weight filtration on the Betti cohomology of $X$. The general philosophy is quite simple: express the ...
user25309's user avatar
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Does the monodromy of such VHS have to be trivial

Consider a variation of polarized Hodge structure on a punctured disk. Suppose that connection preserves Hodge filtration (which is much stronger, than Griffiths transversality). Moreover assume that ...
quinque's user avatar
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Variation of Hodge structures associated to a hermitian symmetric domain

Let $D$ be an irreducible hermitian symmetric domain. Then there exists a variation of Hodge structures $(h_s)_{s\in D}$ on a vector space $V$ satisfying specific conditions which depend on $D$ such ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
6 votes
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Mixed Hodge structure and cup product

I'm looking for a reference for the answer to the following questions. Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over C. When is the cup product a morphism of Mixed Hodge structures? Does $X$ have to be smooth?...
daunbailo''s user avatar
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Hodge structures generated by cohomology groups of varities with dimension less than $n$

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ with dimension $n$. Is it true that for every $i<n$, the Hodge structure on $\mathrm{H}^i(X,\mathbb{Q})$ is generated by Hodge structures of ...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
7 votes
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periods of Mixed Hodge Structures

Two Questions: First. As I know the notion of periods comes when one has two vector spaces over a subfield $k$ of $\mathbb{C}$ (usually given by two cohomology theories) and an isomorphism between ...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
5 votes
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Real structure in the mixed Hodge structure associated to an isolated singularity

We know that a mixed Hodge structure on a complex vector space $H$ with an integral lattice $H_{\mathbb Z}$ consists of the weight filtration and the Hodge filtration. For an isolated hypersurface ...
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