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Criterion for triviality of monodromy in smooth families

Let $\pi: X \to \Delta^*$ be a smooth, projective morphism. We know that for each $k$, there is a natural local system $L:=R^k \pi_*\mathbb{C}$. The associated vector bundle $\mathcal{L}:=L \otimes \...
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How can I determine the monodromy of this variation of mixed hodge structures?

Consider the variation of mixed hodge structures which generates at the origin: $$ f:X = \text{Proj}\left( \frac{\mathbb{C}[t][x,y,z]}{(xy(x + y + tz))} \right) \to \mathbb{A}^1_t $$ How can I compute ...
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Does the monodromy of such VHS have to be trivial

Consider a variation of polarized Hodge structure on a punctured disk. Suppose that connection preserves Hodge filtration (which is much stronger, than Griffiths transversality). Moreover assume that ...
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