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Hodge conjecture for generic points

I was reading the following paper: "Beilinson’s Hodge Conjecture For Smooth Varieties". They study the cycle class map $cl_{m,r}: H^{2r-m}_{\mathcal{M}}(U, \mathbb{Q}(r))\rightarrow \text{...
user127776's user avatar
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Beilinson-Hodge conjecture and generation of cohomology ring by $H^1$

Beilinson's version of Hodge conjecture has the following form. For any quasi-projective smooth complex variety $X$ the following map is surjective: $$H^i_{\mathcal{M}}(X, \mathbb{Q}(j))\rightarrow \...
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Nilpotent orbits and mixed Hodge structures

Let $(H_\mathbb{Z}, \{h^{p,q}\}_{p+q=n}, \phi)$ be the datum to define weight $n$ polarized Hodge structures on $H_\mathbb{Z}$, $h^{p,q}$ is the Hodge numbers, $\phi$ is a polarization. Let $D$ be the ...
user96145's user avatar
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Super mixed Hodge structures?

It's common in subjects that have some version of the "yoga of weights" that you have a functor called "Tate twist" and that the most natural version of it seems like it should be ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Existence of an affine variety with homotopy type of suspension of another affine variety

Let $X$ be an affine variety. My question is does there exist another affine variety with the homotopy type of the suspension of $X$?
rumpi123's user avatar
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Is the dimension of the pieces of a mixed Hodge structure constant under smooth deformations?

In the case of a family of compact complex manifolds we have the following: Theorem. Let $f:X→B$ be a family of complex manifolds and assume that $X_0$ is Kähler for some $0\in B$. Then for $b$ in a ...
Georgy's user avatar
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Duality of Mixed Hodge Structures without compactness

Let $X$ be a smooth separated algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $Z \subset X$ a subvariety of codimension $p$. There are no compactness assumptions. I am looking for an isomorphism of mixed ...
BnPrs's user avatar
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How can I determine the monodromy of this variation of mixed hodge structures?

Consider the variation of mixed hodge structures which generates at the origin: $$ f:X = \text{Proj}\left( \frac{\mathbb{C}[t][x,y,z]}{(xy(x + y + tz))} \right) \to \mathbb{A}^1_t $$ How can I compute ...
54321user's user avatar
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How can I compute the mixed hodge structure for three copies of $\mathbb{P}^1$ intersecting at one point?

I know there is a spectral sequence for a variety with normal crossing singularities $X$ which gives a tool for making the computation of the mixed hodge structure computable. How can I compute the ...
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