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Does the "holomorphic spheres-to-continuous spheres" forgetful function respect the mixed Hodge structures on homotopy groups?

For each smooth, projective, complex variety $X$ that is simply connected, John Morgan constructed a natural mixed Hodge structure on the homotopy group $\pi_k(X,x)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$. This was ...
Jason Starr's user avatar
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Intrinsic definition of the weight filtration

Let $X$ be a smooth quasiprojective complex variety. Then Deligne (Theorie de Hodge II) defined a weight filtration on the Betti cohomology of $X$. The general philosophy is quite simple: express the ...
user25309's user avatar
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Mumford-Tate group of the Fermat curve

Let $C$ be the Fermat curve of degree $d$, defined by the equation $x^d+y^d=z^d$ in $\mathbb{P}^2$. The first cohomology group $H^1(C, \mathbb{Q})$ carries a pure Hodge structure, so it has an ...
fette91's user avatar
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Is the $\ell$-adic cohomology ring of a cubic threefold a complete invariant?

The only interesting $\ell$-adic cohomology of a smooth cubic threefold $X$ is $H^3(X,\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}(2))$, which is isomorphic as a $\mathrm{Gal}_k$-module to $H^1(JX,\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}(1))^{\vee}$ ...
TCiur's user avatar
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Mixed Hodge modules of product spaces

Let $X$ be an algebraic varietiy (as good as you want, say affine and smooth) and let us denote by $MHM(X)$ the category of mixed Hodge modules as descrived by Saito (see for example this or this). ...
a_g's user avatar
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Cohomology theories from Saito's mixed Hodge complexes

The definition of mixed Hodge complexes by Saito is a very interesting one, since it's more a cohomology theoretic than geometric generalization of Hodge structures. Since Saito's motivation for mixed ...
Tatu's user avatar
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Existence of an affine variety with homotopy type of suspension of another affine variety

Let $X$ be an affine variety. My question is does there exist another affine variety with the homotopy type of the suspension of $X$?
rumpi123's user avatar
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Reference request: If the local system extends, then the variation of Hodge structures extends

I'm looking for a precise reference for the following theorem. Let $C$ be a smooth curve over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $S$ be a finite set of closed points of $C$. Let $\ V$ be a polarized variation ...
Telg's user avatar
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Nonabelian Hodge structure for noncompact curves and Hodge structure on the fundamental group

Nonabelian Hodge theory, introduced by C. Simpson and others, may be interpreted as a description of the (real) Hodge structure on the fundamental group (say, of a compact curve) in terms of some ...
nikitamarkarian's user avatar
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Real structure in the mixed Hodge structure associated to an isolated singularity

We know that a mixed Hodge structure on a complex vector space $H$ with an integral lattice $H_{\mathbb Z}$ consists of the weight filtration and the Hodge filtration. For an isolated hypersurface ...
Guangbo Xu's user avatar
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Criterion for triviality of monodromy in smooth families

Let $\pi: X \to \Delta^*$ be a smooth, projective morphism. We know that for each $k$, there is a natural local system $L:=R^k \pi_*\mathbb{C}$. The associated vector bundle $\mathcal{L}:=L \otimes \...
user45397's user avatar
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Principal bundle analogue for Hodge bundle

Let $X$ be a connected smooth complex projective variety. A holomorphic Higgs bundle is a pair $(E, \theta)$ consists of a holomorphic vector bundle $E$ on $X$ together with a Higgs field $\theta \...
user124771's user avatar
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Why is the Hodge conjecture equivalent to the assertion that $ \mathcal{R}_{ \mathrm{Hodge} } $ is fully faithfull?

On pages 17 and 18 of the following document:, we find the following paragraph: Let $ \mathbb{Q} \mathrm{HS}$ be the category of pure Hodge structures ...
YoYo's user avatar
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Is there a compact Kähler non-projective manifold with polarizable Hodge structures?

Let $V$ be a rational Hodge structure of degree $k$. Precisely, $V$ is a finite dimensional $\mathbb{Q}$-vector space whose complexification admits a decomposition $V_\mathbb{C} = \oplus_{p+q=k} V^{p,...
Lineer 's user avatar
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Hodge structure on intersection cohomology of toric varieties

Given a convex polytope with integer vertices, one can construct a complex projective variety $X$ called toric variety. In general $X$ is not smooth. As I have heard, by the work of M. Saito, the ...
asv's user avatar
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Duality of Mixed Hodge Structures without compactness

Let $X$ be a smooth separated algebraic variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $Z \subset X$ a subvariety of codimension $p$. There are no compactness assumptions. I am looking for an isomorphism of mixed ...
BnPrs's user avatar
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Reference for the Hodge polynomial or the Hodge Characteristic

What is the first work that studies, refers to, or mentions the Hodge characteristic? The Hodge polynomial is the unique ring homomorphism $$ P_{hdg}:K_0(\mathbf{Var}/\mathbb{C)}\to \mathbb{Z}[u,v,u^{...
user337830's user avatar
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Does the monodromy of such VHS have to be trivial

Consider a variation of polarized Hodge structure on a punctured disk. Suppose that connection preserves Hodge filtration (which is much stronger, than Griffiths transversality). Moreover assume that ...
quinque's user avatar
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Hodge bundles associated to a family of complex manifolds

I'm reading Voisin's books on Hodge theory. In the first volume she claimed but didn't prove this theorem: Theorem 10.10 (Voisin) Let $\varphi:\chi\rightarrow B$ be a family of compact complex ...
ZYun's user avatar
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Nilpotent orbits and mixed Hodge structures

Let $(H_\mathbb{Z}, \{h^{p,q}\}_{p+q=n}, \phi)$ be the datum to define weight $n$ polarized Hodge structures on $H_\mathbb{Z}$, $h^{p,q}$ is the Hodge numbers, $\phi$ is a polarization. Let $D$ be the ...
user96145's user avatar
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Cohomology of maps between Hilbert schemes

Let $S$ be a smooth complex projective surface. We consider the following two types of Hilbert schemes of $S$. The Hilbert scheme of an ample curve $D$. Suppose that $D$ is sufficiently ample, then ...
Pène Papin's user avatar
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Is the dimension of the pieces of a mixed Hodge structure constant under smooth deformations?

In the case of a family of compact complex manifolds we have the following: Theorem. Let $f:X→B$ be a family of complex manifolds and assume that $X_0$ is Kähler for some $0\in B$. Then for $b$ in a ...
Georgy's user avatar
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Is there a Hodge structure on $\text{Hom}(V,W)$?

Let $V, W$ be real (pure) Hodge structures of weight $m, n$. Is there a natural Hodge structure on $\text{Hom}(V,W)$? As I understand, there is one in the case $V = W$, although the definition I ...
Kim's user avatar
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For a mixed hodge structure, what is the exact condition on the graded pieces?

A mixed ($\mathbb{Q}$)-hodge structure is defined to be a vector space $V/\mathbb{Q}$ with an increasing "weight" filtration of $\mathbb{Q}$- vector spaces $0\subset W_0\subset \dots$ and a ...
jacob's user avatar
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Unique polarization on a very general curve with Mumford-Tate

I try to understand why a very general curve (smooth, projective over $\mathbb{C}$) has an unique polarization up to scalar on the $H^1(X,\mathbb{Q})$. I was advised to look at the maximality of the ...
Christopher Nicol's user avatar
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Beilinson-Hodge conjecture and generation of cohomology ring by $H^1$

Beilinson's version of Hodge conjecture has the following form. For any quasi-projective smooth complex variety $X$ the following map is surjective: $$H^i_{\mathcal{M}}(X, \mathbb{Q}(j))\rightarrow \...
user127776's user avatar
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Abelian subvarieties corresponding to vector subspaces

Let $S$ be a connected smooth projective surface. Let $C$ a smooth curve on $S$ In page 9 of the paper "" a read the following: Let \begin{equation*} r: ...
Roxana's user avatar
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Exterior power of Hodge structures

Let $V$ be a $\mathbb{Q}$-vector space and suppose there is a decomposition of $V_{\mathbb{C}}:=V \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} \mathbb{C}$ into two $\mathbb{C}$-sub-vector spaces i.e., $V_{\mathbb{C}} \cong V^...
Chen's user avatar
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Polarization of Prym varieites

I'm trying to understand polarization and rational Hodge structure of spectral curves and Prym varieties. Excuse me that this is similar to my previous question. I want to prove the following, Let $X$...
Aoki's user avatar
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Is the category of mixed Hodge modules bi-filtered?

Let $X$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety and let $MHM(X)$ be the category of mixed Hodge modules on $X$, as defined in (Saito, "Mixed Hodge Modules", 1990), (Peters-Steenbrink, "Mixed Hodge ...
a_g's user avatar
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Hodge structures generated by cohomology groups of varities with dimension less than $n$

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$ with dimension $n$. Is it true that for every $i<n$, the Hodge structure on $\mathrm{H}^i(X,\mathbb{Q})$ is generated by Hodge structures of ...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
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Hodge filtration vs Hodge structure on algebraic de Rham cohomology

I have a basic question on the relation between the definitions of the Hodge structure on the algebraic de Rham of a smooth proper scheme defined over a subfield of $\mathbb{C}$ and the Hodge ...
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