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7 votes
1 answer

Trans-amenability of group actions

This problem is derived from this post. Let $G$ be a countable discrete group and $H\le G$ be a subgroup. Consider the $G$-action on $X=G/H$. Then the following amenability-like conditions are ...
Narutaka OZAWA's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Amenable action intuition

Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete group and $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. Consider an action $\alpha: \Gamma \to \operatorname{Aut}(A)$. There is a notion of amenability for such an action (see e.g. Brown and ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is the set of all ICC amenable groups countable?

Is the set of all ICC amenable groups countable? If "yes", then in general, the classes of all countable ICC groups that give rise to the same von Neumann algebra (factor) -- are these ...
Chilperic's user avatar
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4 votes
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Kernels of representations of $C^*(G)$

Let G be a discrete group. I am interested in the following: let $\pi$ and $\rho$ be two representations of $G$. Denote by $C^*Ker\pi$ and $C^* Ker \rho$ the kernels of the corresponding ...
Maria  Gerasimova's user avatar
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Does the Approximation Property (AP) pass to quotients by amenable subgroups?

Given a countable group $G$ with the AP, and an normal, amenable subgroup $N$ of $G$, does $G/N$ have the AP? In particular, does there exist a group $G$ with the AP and a surjective group ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can the full and reduced group $C^*$-algebras be "noncanonically" isomorphic?

Is there a locally compact group $G$ such that the canonical map from $C^{*}(G)$ to $C^{*}_{red} G$ is not isomorphism, hence $G$ is not amenable but these two $C^{*}$ algebras are isomorphic ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Infinite amenable group subfactors

Let amenable groups $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma'$. They act outerly of only one manner on the hyperfinite ${\rm II}_1$-factor $\mathcal{R}$. Question: $(\mathcal{R} \subset \mathcal{R} \rtimes \Gamma) ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
15 votes
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Amenability of groups in terms of a perturbation condition

Let $G$ be a countable group and $\lambda \colon G \to U(\ell^2 G)$ its left-regular representation. Suppose that there exists a constant $C>0$ such that for all $T \in B(\ell^2 G)$ $$\inf \lbrace\...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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