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Shrinking Group Actions

This is a repost from stackexchange. I didn't get an answer, so I figured I'd ask it here. Suppose $H\subset G$ is a subgroup of a topological group $G$, and $Y\subset X$ is a subspace of a ...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
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Defining a topology by means of closed subsets in a topos

In the following we fix a topos. I'll speak of sets instead of objects and of subsets instead of subobjects. Let $X$ be a set and assume $F$ is a set of subsets of $X$ that contains $\emptyset, X$, ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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semigroup actions of groups on regular rooted trees

If $G$ is a group which has a semigroup action on a regular rooted tree via prefix-preserving, continuous transformations (I give the tree the path metric), what kinds of algebraic restrictions can we ...
dan's user avatar
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Monomorphisms in geometry

What is known about monomorphisms in the following categories: Schemes Complex manifolds $C^\infty$--manifolds and any other kinds of geometric objects that you might think of. How do we choose a ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Orbit spaces of involutions on spheres

I'm studying the following problem: Let $({\mathbb S}^N,\theta)$ be the $n$-sphere (in ${\mathbb R}^{N+1}$) endowed with the antipodal action $\theta:(x_0,\ldots,x_N)\to (-x_0,\ldots,-x_N)$; $({\...
Giuseppe De Nittis's user avatar
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Possible homogeneity of infinite dimensional Sierpinski carpet analogues?

Start with the Hilbert cube $H=I^\omega$, thinking of its coordinates as written in ternary expansion. Construct subsets $S_n$ by removing points from $H$ if for any $m$, at least $n$ of the ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Faithful actions of finite groups on topological spaces

Suppose that $G$ is a finite group acting faithfully on a topological space $X$. In the smooth setting, one can deduce that for each $x$ in $M$, the induced map $$G_x \to Diff_x\left(M\right)$$ from ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
-3 votes
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Dispensing with the notion of infinity for the sake of coverings [closed]

Instead of taking a one to one correspondence meaning each set has the same number of elements. why not use the concept of coverings of topology? The irrational numbers covers the whole numbers but ...
user4904's user avatar
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Graphs, non-Hausdorfness and Wallman compactifications of non-regular spaces

Given a non-Hausdorff space $X$, one can form a graph $G_X$: vertices the points of $X$, edges indicating point pairs not separated by open sets. Up to graph-theoretically (but not topologically) ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Finite topological dimension x local compactness

Of course, the two notions are independent one from the other, but often one of them implies the other under some additional hypotheses. For instance: A topological vector space is finite dimensional ...
Claudio Gorodski's user avatar
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In a locally contractible space can we find local bases of contractible sets whose closures are locally contractible?

In a locally contractible topological space $X$ is it possible at each point $x$ to find a local basis of contractible sets $U_i\ni x$ such that the closure of each set $\overline{U_i} \subset X$ is ...
Spiros Adams-Florou's user avatar
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Chain/Hierarchy of Monoids

Let's assume that we have the following collection of structures: Some space $P$. Monoids $(M_{i+1},\circ_{i+1})$, and Actions $\bullet_{i+1}:M_{i+1}\times M_i\to M_i$, for $i\ge 0$ And $\bullet_{0}:...
supercooldave's user avatar
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Uniqueness of dimension for topological vector spaces

Let $V$ be a complete Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space over the field $\mathbb{K}$. Let $B$ be a subset of $V$ satisfying . Linearly Independent: For all functions $f$ in $\mathbb{...
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Difference between a partial selector and a selector...

In Kharazishvili's "Nonmeasurable Sets and Functions" there is the following theorem: There exists a subset $X$ of $\mathbb{R}$ which is a Vitali set and a Bernstein set. The proof is as follows: ...
George Lazou's user avatar
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On Birman-Wenzlyfying the B2 spider

Prelude: First of all, let "S matrix" denote "an abstract 4D tensor satisfying the usual isotypy rules (with no arrows!)". I'm busy trying to classify all possible S matrices (paper pending) - it's ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Connectedness of a union regading a proximity

Let δ is a proximity. I will call a set A connected iff for every partition {X,Y} of the set A holds X δ Y. Question: Let A and B are sets with non-empty intersection. Let both A and B ...
porton's user avatar
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Extension of homeomorphisms on a spherical space

Call a "blot" set, which is the closure of its interior, the boundary is locally connected, and when you remove boundary blot remains connected. Suppose that there is a blot on the surface of the n-...
Tomas Paul's user avatar
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Does this property of scattered spaces have a name?

(Note: I asked this question at MSE a week ago and received no answer, so I am now reposting it here.) Let $K$ be a (Hausdorff) scattered topological space and for each ordinal $\alpha$ denote by $K^{...
Philip Brooker's user avatar
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Small set of acts over a countable monoid?

Given a countable monoid $S$, is the set of all (isomorphic representatives of) $S$-acts a small set?
user13387's user avatar
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small extensions of the free semigroup of rank 1

Let N denote the free semigroup of rank 1. Say that a semigroup T is a small extension of N if N embeds in T and |T - N| is finite. Is there some kind of classification of small extensions of N? ...
david mccune's user avatar
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undecidability in the dynamics of functions $f: \Sigma^* \rightarrow \Sigma^*$

Does anyone know any undecidable problems in the dynamics of functions (not necessarily monoid homomorphisms or anything) from \Sigma^* to \Sigma^* where \Sigma is a finite set? In particular, I'm ...
dan's user avatar
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Follow up question on the measure of the difference between a partial selector and a selector...

This is a different question from my previous question Difference between a partial selector and a selector, however I am going to repeat the preamble... In Kharazishvili's "Nonmeasurable Sets and ...
George Lazou's user avatar
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What is enough to conclude that something is a CW complex (part II)?

A while ago I asked a question about recoqnizing CW complexes and got an extremely nice and concrete answer. However, I am still interested in a more general treatment of this and therefore pose the ...
Thomas Kragh's user avatar
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Something like Yoneda's lemma

This is inspired by The Whitehead for maps question. Consider two maps f, g: X\to Y which happen to induce the same maps (of discrete spaces) ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
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Maps of loop spaces with infinity-bounded differential.

I am currently working with loop spaces of manifold and finite dimensional manifolds approximating these and the following comes up very naturally: In the following piece-wise smooth means smooth on ...
Thomas Kragh's user avatar
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Approximate selection theorems for factoring through perfect maps

I have the following setup: $X, Y$ are topological spaces (if it helps, they can both be $T_1$ and normal. They can even be countably paracompact. They can't be assumed paracompact). $V$ is a normed ...
David R. MacIver's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalences and cores

Hi all, Before asking my question, I need to fix some terms and notation. Let $M$, $M'$ be locally compact, Hausdorff spaces, and $f:M\rightarrow M'$ a homotopy equivalence with homotopy inverse $g:...
Indrava Roy's user avatar
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Mapping into Hurewicz cofibrations.

In Strøm's paper "The Homotopy Category is a Homotopy Category" he proves (Lemma 4) that if $Y$ is compact and if $i:A\to X$ is a cofibration, then the induced map $$ i_*: A^Y \to X^Y $$ is also a ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Simple topological question on taking complements inside a simplex

We would like to know if the following claim is true: (If you don't know the definition of a tropical hyperplane, then please consider the case when d=3) Let $P_1,\cdots,P_d$ be full dimensional (...
Suho Oh's user avatar
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Is the realization of a proper map of simplicial spaces proper ?

Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be a map of $m$-dimensional simplicial spaces (which means that all simplices above dimension $m$ are degenerate). Recall, that $f$ is a natural transformation of functors from ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Constructing a lattice out of the set of metrics

Let $X$ be a space, and $d_1$ and $d_2$ be two metrics on $X$. Define $S(x,y)= ${$\Sigma_2^l Min${$d_1(x_{k-1},x_k),d_2(x_{k-1},x_k)$}$:x_1=x, x_l=y, l finite $} $x$ and $y$ are two points in $X$ ...
Bharath H M's user avatar
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More on continuous images of dense orders

In this question I asked if there was an analogue of connectedness which applied to dense orders which were not required to be complete. Between them, Noah and Joel showed that every (infinite) ...
Robin Saunders's user avatar
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Characterizing local homeomorphisms into an exponent

Let $X$,$Y$, and $Z$ be (compactly generated) spaces. Suppose $f:Z \to Y^X$ is a local homeomorphism. How can we tell this from its adjoint $\tilde f:Z \times X \to Y$? I.e., I want a property $P$ ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
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Order-convergence and interval topology on ${\cal P}(\omega)/(\text{fin})$

On any poset $(P, \leq)$ we can consider two different topologies that arise directly from the ordering relation. 1) Order convergence topolog $\tau_o(P)$ : By a set filter $\mathcal{F}$ on $P$ we ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar

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