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4 votes
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An algebraic condition possibly related with the Hausdorff measure on $\mathbb{R}$

This is my first time to ask a question here. Please tell me if I can improve it. I would like to introduce the following definition inspired from a measure theory exercise. Definition. A subset $K$ ...
8 votes
1 answer

How do sets with unit fractional Hausdorff measure of dimension $>1$ look like?

Triggered by the recent question How can we not know the measure of the Sierpiński triangle? I would like to ask: Let $s>1$ and $s$ not be an integer. How to construct a set $A$ with $\mathfrak{H}^...
5 votes
0 answers

Naïve definition of a measure on a fractal

This question was previously posted on MSE. Let $K\subset \mathbb R^2$ be a compact fractal of Hausdorff dimension $1<d<2$. I want to define a natural measure on $K$. One option would be to use ...
1 vote
0 answers

density of fractal measures

Let $s\in (0, 1)$ be a real number. Let $E\subset [0, 1]$ be a Borel set whose Hausdorff dimension is given by $s$. Assume that $\mathcal{H}^s(E)=+\infty$, that is, the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff ...
4 votes
1 answer

Usable Change-of-Variables Formula for Hausdorff Measure

Let $H^{s}$ be the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff measure, let $D$ be a nonsingular matrix. Consider the change of measure formula: $$ \int\limits_{A} f(Dx) \; \mathrm{d}H^{s}(x) = \int\limits_{ D A} f(y)...
8 votes
2 answers

Isometrically-invariant measures and dilation of the Cantor set

Let $C$ be the Cantor middle-thirds set. Let $\mu$ be a finitely-additive isometrically-invariant measure on all subsets of $\mathbb R$. Then $\mu(3C)=2\mu(C)$, where $aB = \{ ax : x \in B \}$. ...