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A sum over characters of the symmetric group

Let $C_\mu$ be the size of the conjugacy class in $S_n$ of permutations whose cycletype is the partition $\mu\vdash n$. Let $\chi$ be the characters of the irreducible representations of $S_n$. Let $\...
thedude's user avatar
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7 votes
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number of maximal subgroups of the symmetric group

What is the asymptotics of the number of the maximal subgroups of $S_n$ (as a function of $n$)? This must be written down somewhere... EDIT I am actually more interested in the number of conjugacy ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Minimal maximal subgroup of the symmetric group

The question is pretty much in the title: What is the maximal subgroup of $S_d$ of maximal index (so minimal size)? A slight variant (I am not sure if it leads to a different answer) is: what if we ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Are the finite groups inclusions, almost all relatively cyclic?

Definition: An inclusion of finite groups $(A \subset B)$ is relatively cyclic if $\exists b \in B$ such that $\langle A,b \rangle = B$. Definition: Two inclusions of finite groups are equivalent, $(...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
0 votes
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Subgroups of powers of the alternating group on 5 elements

Definition: Let $G$ be a group, and let $H \leq G$ be a subgroup. We say that $H$ is big in $G$ if for every intermediate subgroup $H \leq L \leq G$ there exists some $x \in L$ such that $\langle H \...
Pablo's user avatar
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12 votes
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Solving a set of equations in a finite symmetric group

A standard way to find solutions to a finite set of equations in a finite symmetric group ${\rm S}_n$ is to take the equations as relators of a finitely presented group, to use the low index subgroups ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

If d("G/H") < d(G) = 2, must H contain a primitive element?

Let $G$ be a finite group that can be generated by $2$ elements, and let $H \leq G$ be a (not necessarily normal) subgroup for which there exists some $g \in G$ such that $H \langle g\rangle = G$. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Special sets of involutions generating ${\rm S}_n$

For which positive integers $k$ and $r$ are there involutions $g_{n,i} \in {\rm S}_n$ $(n \in \mathbb{N}, \ i = 1, \dots, k)$ such that the following hold?: for any $n$, the $g_{n,i}$ $(i = 1, \dots, ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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7 votes
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Covering a set with images of a transversal

Let $G$ be a permutation group on a finite set $\Omega$ with orbits $\Omega_1,\ldots,\Omega_k$. By a transversal we mean a set $\lbrace\omega_1,\ldots,\omega_k\rbrace$ with $\omega_j\in\Omega_j$ for ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the hyperoctahedral group have only 3 maximal normal subgroups?

An hyperoctahedral group $G$ is the wreath product of $S_2$ and $S_n$, where $S_{n}$ is the symmetric group on $n$ letters, or in other words the semi-direct product $G=S_2^n\rtimes S_n$, w.r.t. the ...
Lior Bary-Soroker's user avatar
4 votes
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Generalization of a property of $A_n; n\geq 5$

Let $H$ and $K$ be two proper non-trivial subgroups of the alternating group $A_n; n\geq 5$. Then there exists a maximal subgroup $M$ of $A_n$ such that $H\not\leq M$ and $K\not\leq M$. To see this ...
sebastian's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Vertex-primitive graphs with two vertices having almost the same neighbourhood

Hypothesis: Let $\Gamma$ be a vertex-primitive graph with two vertices $u$ and $v$ such that $$|N(u) \cap N(v)|=|N(v)|-1$$ Question: Is it true that $\Gamma$ must either be a complete graph or have ...
verret's user avatar
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5 votes
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Minimum word length for an unusual set of generators of the symmetric group

Problem. Let $n\geq 2$ and let $T$ be the set of all permutations in $S_n$ of the form $$t_k:=\prod_{1\leq i\leq k/2}(i,k-i) \qquad \hbox{for $k=3,4,\ldots,n+1$}.$$ Find the least integer $f_n$...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
2 votes
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Classification of indecomposable inclusions $(H \subset G)$ with $G$ decomposable

Definition: A group $G$ is indecomposable if: $G = G_1 \times G_2 \Rightarrow \exists i \ G_i = 1$. We can generalize the notion of indecomposable from groups to inclusion of groups as ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Uniqueness of the direct product decomposition of inclusions of finite groups

This post is a generalization of Uniqueness of the direct product decomposition of finite groups. Here we look inclusions of finite groups $(H \subset G)$ instead of just finite groups. Definition: ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the ratio of inclusions of finite groups with a distributive lattice?

Definition: Two inclusions of finite groups are equivalent, $(A \subset B) \sim (C \subset D)$, if: $(A/A_B \subset B/A_B) \simeq (C/C_D \subset D/C_D)$ with $A_B$ the normal core of $A$ in $B$. ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
9 votes
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Generalization of Frobenius groups

Frobenius group is a transitive permutation group on a finite set, such that no non-trivial element fixes more than one point and some non-trivial element fixes a point. In other words, if in a ...
Hujdurovic's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

When is $S_n \times S_m$ a subgroup of $S_p$?

I asked the following question on math.stackexchange several months ago: Let $n,m,p>1$ be such that $S_n \times S_m \hookrightarrow S_p$. Does it imply that $p \geq n+m$? Derek Holt gave a ...
Seirios's user avatar
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Orbits of stabilizer of two points in a 2-transitive permutation group

I was doing something which needs to know sizes of all orbits of the stabilizer of two points in a 2-transitive permutation group. Since all 2-transitive permutation groups are known ans so are their ...
Binzhou Xia's user avatar
6 votes
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Primitive, non-2-transitive groups with very large orbitals?

Let $G$ be a transitive permutation group on a set $X$ with $n$ elements. Assume that $G$ is primitive, i.e., $G$ preserves no non-trivial partition of $X$. Assume as well that $G$ is not $2$-...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Double coset relation for unique intermediate subgroup (with homogeneity)

Let $G$ be a group and $H$ a subgroup such that there is a unique (non-trivial) intermediate subgroup $K$ (i.e. $H < S < G$ implies $S=K$) and $(H \subset K) \sim (K \subset G)$ (homogeneity) ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
17 votes
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Does O'Nan-Scott depend on CFSG?

My question is in the title. Some context: there are two versions of the O'Nan-Scott theorem. The first, weaker version, is due to O'Nan and Scott (independently) and gives the structure of the ...
Nick Gill's user avatar
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6 votes
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Doubly primitive groups with simple socle

The classification of doubly transitive groups with simple socle is known. A good account of such classification can be found for example in this paper: Cameron, Peter J. Finite permutation groups ...
Leandro Vendramin's user avatar
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A connection between nonplanar complete graphs and the alternating groups?

I didn't get any response on MSE so I though I'd give this a try here (my question on MSE). I went to an undergrad's senior honors thesis presentation a while ago. She was discussing crossing numbers ...
Bill Cook's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How hard is it to compute the diameter and the growth function of a finite permutation group of small degree?

Let $G \leq {\rm S}_n$ be a finite permutation group, and let $S = \{g_1, \dots, g_k\}$ be a generating set for $G$ which is closed under inversion and which does not contain the identity. The growth ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Transitive subgroup of $S_p$ containing a $p$-cycle and a double transposition

Let $p$ be a prime other than 5 or 7. Are $A_p$ and $S_p$ the only subgroups of $S_p$ that contains a $p$-cycle and a double transposition? As for $p = 5$, the dihedral group $D_{10}$ contains a 5-...
Ravi Jagadeesan's user avatar
5 votes
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Information about permutation character from local action

Let $G$ be a finite permutation group acting transitively, but not regularly, on a set $V$. Let $H$ be the stabilizer of some point $v\in V$, and suppose that $H$ acts 2-transitively on one of its (...
Nick Gill's user avatar
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7 votes
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Classification of generously transitive groups

A permutation group $G \lt S_n$ is called generously transitive, if for each $i,j$ there exists a permutation that interchanges them. Is there a reasonable classification of such (finite) groups?
Peter Franek's user avatar
32 votes
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Order of products of elements in symmetric groups

Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Is it true that for any $a, b, c \in \mathbb{N}$ satisfying $1 < a, b, c \leq n-2$ the symmetric group ${\rm S}_n$ has elements of order $a$ and $b$ whose product has order $...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Mclaughlin Graph

how can i construct a strongly regular graph with parameter $(275,112,30,56)$(Mclaughlin Graph), (105,32,4,12)? I need adjacency matrix of them? I know they are unique.
mj125's user avatar
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Two groups acting on a set.

Suppose we are given a set S of points on which two different groups G and G' (given by sets of generating permutations) act. Is there an efficient algorithm for finding generators the largest pair ...
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