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Relationship between elliptic and parabolic problems and their discretizations

Let us consider the fully nonlinear problem $$ \begin{cases} F(x,u,Du,D^2 u) = 0 & \text{ in } \Omega \\ u=0 & \text{ in } \partial \Omega \end{cases} $$ Suppose that we know that the ...
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Algebraizing topology and analysis via condensed mathematics

I asked this question on Mathematics Stackexchange, but one of the users suggested that I ask this question at MathOverflow. I've just come across a Twitter thread by Laurent Fargues explaining a work ...
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Concrete example of BV function $u:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ with singular derivative

What are examples of two BV functions $u:\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ with singular derivative? More precisely, I'd like to see an example (and a plot using Mathematica or Matlab) of a function $$...
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"Almost" absolute continuity of derivative of BV function if ${\rm Tr}\,D_Sf = 0$

Let $f: \mathbb R^N \to \mathbb R^N$ be a $BV$ function. Suppose that $\mathrm{div} f$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure: $\operatorname{div} f \ll \mathcal L^N$. This ...
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Local "boundary comparison principle" for harmonic functions

Let $u$ be a positive solution of the elliptic equation $\mathcal Lu = 0$ on $B^+_1 \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $u$ vanishes continuously on $\{x_n = 0\}$. To fix ideas, we may take $\mathcal L = ...
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Collections of examples and counterexamples in (real, complex, functional) analysis, ODEs and PDEs

What books collect examples and counterexamples (or also "solved exercises", for some suitable definition of "exercise") in real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, ODEs, PDEs? The ...
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