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Mean value of the divisor function over Piatetski-Shapiro sequences

Let $c>1$, $c\not\in\mathbb{Z}$ and consider the sum $$ \sum_{n\leq x} \tau(\lfloor n^c \rfloor), $$ where $\tau(n)$ is the number of divisors of $n$. I'm almost certain I've seen an evaluation of ...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
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Exponential sums with monomials with divisor-function coefficients

In their paper "Exponential Sums with Monomials," Fouvry and Iwaniec study exponential sums roughly of the form $$ \sum_{m_1 \sim M_1} \cdots \sum_{m_r \sim M_r} c_1(m_1) \cdots c_r(m_r) e\...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
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Generalizing an estimate of Jutila

I'm working on a problem right now in which I need an upper bound for an exponential sum of the form $$ \tag{1} \sum_{N < n \leq 2N} \tau_3(n) e(f(n)), $$ where $\tau_3(n) = \sum_{d_1d_2d_3=n} 1$ ...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
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Estimating certain short Kloosterman sums

Recall that for the classical Kloosterman sum $$ K(a,b,p^t):= \sum_{x \in (\mathbb{Z}/ p^t \mathbb{Z})^* } \psi \left(\frac{ax+bx^{-1}}{p^t} \right),$$ where $\psi(x)=e^{2\pi ix}$, $a,b,t$ are natural ...
JACK's user avatar
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Number of solutions for the inequality with square roots

Let $M$ be some large real number and $\delta>0$. I would like to estimate the number of solutions for the inequality $$|\sqrt{n_1}+\sqrt{n_2}-\sqrt{n_3}-\sqrt{n_4}|<\delta\sqrt{M},$$ where $...
Alexander Kalmynin's user avatar
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Reference request: Bounding exponential sum $\sum_{x \in [0,X]} \Lambda(x) e(\beta_d x^d + \ldots + \beta_1 x )$

Let $1 \leq i \leq d$, $q \in \mathbb{N}$, and $0 \leq a_{i} < q$. Let $$ \mathfrak{M}^{(i)}_{a_{ i}, q} (C) =\{ \beta_{i} \in [0,1) : | \beta_{i} - a_{i}/q | \leq (\log X)^{C} X^{-i} \} . $$ We ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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On (a generalization of) the Gauss Circle Problem

Most (if not all) references I read about the Gauss Circle Problem that proves a bound below $O(R^{2/3})$ reduces the GCP to the Dirichlet Divisor Problem by the well known expression of $r_2(n)$, the ...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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Exponential sum estimates similar to the one for $\sum_p (\log p) e(p \alpha)$, but for different sequences

Obtaining a non-trivial estimate for $\sum_p (\log p) e(p \alpha)$ over the minor arcs is one of the estimates required for obtaining the ternary Goldbach for $n$ sufficiently large via the circle ...
SJY's user avatar
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8 votes
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The number of solution of $x_1^2 + \cdots + x_k^2 \equiv \lambda \bmod q$

I'm playing with exponential sums... If $q$ is an odd prime and $a$ an integer such that $q \nmid a$, then the following formula for the Gaussian sum is known $$\sum_{x=0}^{q-1} e_q(ax^2) = \left(\...
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Kloosterman-like sum with inverse to different moduli

In some recent work, the following strange-looking exponential sum arose: $$ \sum_k \sum_r \sum_s e\bigg( \frac{r \bar s^{(r)} \bar k^{(r^2+s^2)}}{r^2+s^2} \bigg). $$ Here $e(x) = e^{2\pi i x}$ as ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
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Where can I read about exponential sums corresponding to Jones Polynomial?

I remember reading that a number theoretic analogue of Witten's path integral formula for the Jones polynomial: $$\text{Jones}_K(e^{2\pi i/(k+2)})=\int_{\text{$SU(2)$ connections on $\mathbb S^3$}/\...
John Pardon's user avatar
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