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Formula for the kernel of an operator

Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space and let $O$ be an operator. Obviously $M=O^\dagger O$ is a semi-positive definite operator and $v\in\ker M$ if and only if $v\in\ker O$. Therefore it seems to me ...
6 votes
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Measurability of eigenvalues-eigenvectors of a positive compact operator

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{R}$. Let ${A} = \{a\colon H\to H\,|\,a\text{ is a positive, compact linear operator}\}$. By the spectral theorem, given $a \in A$, there are scalars $...
3 votes
1 answer

Why does the normalization term disappear when computing the MLE of decomposed Gaussians

Computing the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Gaussians in arbitrary finite Hilbert spaces seems no easy task and I must admit to lamentably fail at it. The classical theory most often relies on ...
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Spectral theorems for generalized Hermitian matrices

Let $k$ be a field, and let $\sigma$ be a nontrivial involutory automorphism of $k$. Let $A$ be a square matrix with entries in $k$, such that $(A^{\sigma})^T = A$; here $A^\sigma$ means the matrix $(...
1 vote
1 answer

Convergence rate of eigenvectors

Let us suppose that $A,A_1,A_2,\ldots$ are non-negative definite self-adjoint bounded linear operators in $L(\mathbb H)$, where $\mathbb H$ is a separable Hilbert space. $(v_j)_{j\ge1}$ and $(\...
1 vote
0 answers

Algorithm for finding eigenfunctions

I have an $ L^2(\mathbb{R}) $ operator that looks like $$ \Omega = \int \partial\phi(a, b)\ \ |b, a\rangle \langle b, a |, $$ where $ \langle x | a, b \rangle = f_a(x - b) e^{x^2/2} $ and $ f_a \in L^...
3 votes
3 answers

Countability of eigenvalues of a linear operator

Is it true that every closed operator on a separable Hilbert H space only has countably many eigenvalues? Or put the other way around, if I want to ensure that a (not necessarily bounded) linear ...
2 votes
1 answer

Coercive Symmetric Bilinear form on a Hilbert space

I need to show one of the two following equivalent results. If true, it must be a simple proof but I do not seem to be able to make it work. Thank you in advance. 1) Consider a continuous symmetric ...