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Minimising risk in dynamical systems

I have been reading the paper of Goerner and Ulancowicz - "Quantifying economic sustainability" in which it is suggested that there is a tradeoff between sustainability and efficiency. ...
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Is there a version of Arrow's theorem without unrestricted domain?

To recall Arrow's theorem: Suppose we have a finite set $X$ of voters and a finite set $Y$ of candidates. An election is a map $\phi: X \rightarrow T$ where $T$ is the space of total orderings of $Y$. ...
Kim's user avatar
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Calculus of variations

I have the following question and I wasn't sure if I can apply the calculus of variations to it. The control function is $Q$. $$\max \int_0^1 t Q(t) dt$$ subject to: $Q$ is weakly increasing $Q(0) \...
MDR's user avatar
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Kalman filters and stock price prediction

Could someone be so kind as to direct me to a good source that would explain time series (more specifically) stock price prediction using Kalman filters, Extended kalman filters or particle filters. ...
Tom's user avatar
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Maximizing Expected Utility

I am currently trying to solve a maximization problem given by $\max_{f(x)} \int_0^1 \int_\mathbb{R} (c-y\cdot f(x)-d\cdot (x+f(x)-b)^2) \ h(x) \ dx \ dy$. Or in other words, I have a utility ...
Dummie Variable's user avatar
-2 votes
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A kind of economic objective function in assignment

I recently thought about a concept that seems like it should come up in economics, but I don't know if there's a name for it and where people would have encountered it elsewhere: Suppose we have a ...
Lili Wang's user avatar
-1 votes
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To what equal constant in the Gibbs lemma

The Gibbs lemma is broadly used in games theory and in mathematical economics (optimal distributions of resourses, Cournot competition e.t.c.). Here it is: Lemma (Gibbs). $f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_n$ be ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Equitable division of a contiguous resource

I have come across the following result regarding equitable division of a resource, which is a simple and immediate consequence of linear programming complementarity (in the infinite-dimensional case)....
John Gunnar Carlsson's user avatar
-1 votes
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Optimal tax Rate

Assume you have two countries A and B, with a tax rates $T_A$ and $T_B$. The tax is redistributed to each people equally. Hence if you live in A and you make $I$ as income then you will finally ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Applications of linear fractional relationship

This may be the wrong forum, but are there any natural contexts (physics, economics, etc.) in which one might observe the relationship $y = ax/(bx+c)$ between a pair of variables $x$ and $y$? General ...
Jennifer Gao's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Fairest way to choose gifts

Suppose that a parent brings home from a trip $2n$ gifts of roughly equal value for his/her two children. The children get to choose one at a time which gifts they want. What is the fairest way to ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
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Continuous optimization

I'm interested in the solution to the following problem: I have initial capital $C$ which I can invest into $M$ classes of resources, each unit of a class $m_i$ matures at time $t_i$, has a return of ...
user3875's user avatar
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Is the max of two supermodular functions supermodular?

A function $f: \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is supermodular if for every $x'>x$ and $y'>y$, $$f(x',y') + f(x,y) > f(x',y) + f(x,y').$$ Suppose $f$ and $g$ are supermodular, ...
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